This Project is part of a school project. Goal was to code a Reddit Clone using Javascript Front-End Frameworks.
For more information, see File task.pdf
The same project was realized in another Project (Client & Server) using JSF. This project focuses only on the Client part though. The Server part was already given.
State: In Progress (about 95% finished)
- Install NodeJS
- Run the command "npm install" on the project directory
- Edit your IP Address in the file "dataService.js" (used for
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:4730/');
- Run the server using the command "node server.js" on the project directory
- Open "http://localhost:4730/Client.html" on your Browser
- Design optimizations
- Regex-Checks for Inputs (Username, Password, URL)
- Responsive Design (optional)
- Speed optimization (CDN,min,..)
- Testing
- Bad view before Entries are loaded from the Server
- Model and Controller are a bit mixed up
- What is Reddit?
- Check it out yourself: Reddit
- Which school was this project made for?
- School Name: HSR Rapperswil
- Module Name: Internettechnologien (Internet Technologies)
This was my first project using AngularJS (maybe even my first real Javascript Project).
There may be some bad coding styles or not correct differentiation of MVC.