Movix es una aplicación de gestión de listas de películas que permite a los usuarios registrar, iniciar sesión y administrar sus listas de películas favoritas, vistas y por ver.
- Registro e inicio de sesión de usuarios.
- Añadir películas a listas de favoritos, vistas y por ver.
- Actualizar y eliminar películas de las listas.
- Editar perfil de usuario.
- Node.js: Entorno de ejecución para JavaScript.
- Express: Framework web para Node.js.
- Prisma: ORM para interactuar con la base de datos.
- PostgreSQL: Sistema de gestión de bases de datos.
- bcrypt: Biblioteca para el cifrado de contraseñas.
- jsonwebtoken: Implementación de JSON Web Tokens.
- Express-Validator: Middleware para validaciones en Express.
Antes de comenzar, asegúrate de tener instalado lo siguiente en tu máquina:
- Node.js (v14 o superior)
- npm (v6 o superior) o Yarn (opcional)
- Docker (para ejecutar PostgreSQL)
- PostgreSQL (se ejecutará en un contenedor Docker)
Clonar el repositorio:
git clone cd movix-backend
Instalar Dependencias:
npm install
Configurar Variables de Entorno:
PORT=8000 POSTGRES_USER=fmartinezvidal POSTGRES_PASSWORD=2908 POSTGRES_DB=movix DATABASE_URL="postgresql://fmartinezvidal:2908@localhost/movix?schema=public" JWT_SECRET="secret-key" JWT_EXPIRES_IN="1d"**
# Asegúrate de que Docker esté en funcionamiento en tu sistema # En la mayoría de los sistemas, puedes iniciar Docker con: # En Windows: Inicia Docker Desktop # En macOS: Inicia Docker Desktop # En Linux: sudo systemctl start docker # Una vez que Docker esté en funcionamiento, procede con los siguientes comandos: docker compose up -d # Levantar la base de datos npx prisma migrate dev --name init # Crear las tablas npm run dev # Ejecutar la API
- POST /api/v1/auth/register
- Body:
{ "username": "string", "email": "string", "password": "string" }
- Response (201 Created):
{ "status": 201, "message": "Successfully Created", "user": { "id": "string", "username": "string", "email": "string" }, "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 400 Bad Request: "Username is required", "Email must be valid", "Password must be at least 6 characters long"
- 400 Bad Request: "User or email already exists!"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Error registering user"
- Body:
- POST /api/v1/auth/login
- Body:
{ "email": "string", "password": "string" }
- Response (200 OK):
{ "status": 200, "message": "Successfully login!", "user": { "id": "string", "username": "string", "email": "string", "token": "string" }, "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 400 Bad Request: "Email must be valid", "Password is required"
- 401 Unauthorized: "Invalid Credentials"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Internal Server Error"
- Body:
- GET /api/v1/users (Requiere autenticación)
- Response (200 OK):
{ "status": 200, "message": "Successfully fetched users", "users": [ { "id": "string", "username": "string", "email": "string" } ], "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 401 Unauthorized: "Not authorized, token failed"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Internal Server Error"
- Response (200 OK):
- GET /api/v1/users/:id (Requiere autenticación)
- Response (200 OK):
{ "status": 200, "message": "Successfully fetched user", "user": { "id": "string", "username": "string", "email": "string" }, "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 401 Unauthorized: "Not authorized, token failed"
- 404 Not Found: "User not found"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Internal Server Error"
- Response (200 OK):
- PUT /api/v1/users/email/:email (Requiere autenticación)
- Body (opcional, puede incluir uno o más de los siguientes campos):
{ "username": "string", "email": "string" }
- Response (200 OK):
{ "status": 200, "message": "User updated successfully", "user": { "id": "string", "username": "string", "email": "string" }, "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 400 Bad Request: "Invalid fields: [field1, field2, ...]"
- 401 Unauthorized: "Not authorized, token failed"
- 404 Not Found: "User not found"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Internal Server Error"
- Body (opcional, puede incluir uno o más de los siguientes campos):
- POST /api/v1/user/send-token-password
- Body:
{ "email": "string", "username": "string" }
- Response (200 OK):
{ "status": 200, "message": "Password reset token sent to email", "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 400 Bad Request: "Email is required"
- 404 Not Found: "User not found"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Error sending email"
- Body:
- POST /api/v1/user/change-password
- Body:
{ "token": "string", "password": "string" }
- Response (200 OK):
{ "status": 200, "message": "Password updated successfully", "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 400 Bad Request: "Invalid token", "Password must be at least 6 characters long"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Error updating password"
- Body:
- POST /api/v1/movies (Requiere autenticación)
- Body:
{ "api_id": "number", "title": "string", "original_title": "string", "overview": "string", "poster_path": "string", "backdrop_path": "string", "genre_ids": ["number"], "vote_average": "number", "vote_count": "number", "release_date": "string", "popularity": "number", "adult": "boolean", "original_language": "string", "video": "boolean" }
- Response (201 Created):
{ "status": 201, "message": "Movie added successfully", "movie": { "id": "number", "api_id": "number", "title": "string", "original_title": "string", "overview": "string", "poster_path": "string", "backdrop_path": "string", "genre_ids": ["number"], "vote_average": "number", "vote_count": "number", "release_date": "string", "popularity": "number", "adult": "boolean", "original_language": "string", "video": "boolean" }, "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 400 Bad Request: "Title is required", "Movie ID must be an integer", etc.
- 401 Unauthorized: "Not authorized, token failed"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Internal Server Error"
- Body:
- GET /api/v1/movies/:id
- Response (200 OK):
{ "status": 200, "movie": { "id": "number", "api_id": "number", "title": "string", "original_title": "string", "overview": "string", "poster_path": "string", "backdrop_path": "string", "genre_ids": ["number"], "vote_average": "number", "vote_count": "number", "release_date": "string", "popularity": "number", "adult": "boolean", "original_language": "string", "video": "boolean" }, "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 404 Not Found: "Movie not found"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Internal Server Error"
- Response (200 OK):
- POST /api/v1/favorites
- Body:
{ "userId": "string", "id": "number" }
- Response (201 Created):
{ "status": 201, "message": "Movie added to favorites", "favorite": { "id": "number", "userId": "string", "api_id": "number", "createdAt": "string (ISO date)" }, "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 400 Bad Request: "User ID must be a string", "Movie ID must be an integer"
- 400 Bad Request: "Movie already in favorites"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Internal Server Error"
- Body:
- DELETE /api/v1/favorites/:userId/:id
- Response (200 OK):
{ "status": 200, "message": "Movie removed from favorites", "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 404 Not Found: "Favorite not found"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Internal Server Error"
- Response (200 OK):
- POST /api/v1/watchlist
- Body:
{ "userId": "string", "id": "number" }
- Response (201 Created):
{ "status": 201, "message": "Movie added to watchlist", "watchlist": { "id": "number", "userId": "string", "api_id": "number", "createdAt": "string (ISO date)" }, "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 400 Bad Request: "User ID must be a string", "Movie ID must be an integer"
- 400 Bad Request: "Movie already in watchlist"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Internal Server Error"
- Body:
- DELETE /api/v1/watchlist/:userId/:id
- Response (200 OK):
{ "status": 200, "message": "Movie removed from watchlist", "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 404 Not Found: "Watchlist item not found"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Internal Server Error"
- Response (200 OK):
- POST /api/v1/watched
- Body:
{ "userId": "string", "id": "number" }
- Response (201 Created):
{ "status": 201, "message": "Movie added to watched", "watched": { "id": "number", "userId": "string", "api_id": "number", "createdAt": "string (ISO date)" }, "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 400 Bad Request: "User ID must be a string", "Movie ID must be an integer"
- 400 Bad Request: "Movie already in watched list"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Internal Server Error"
- Body:
- DELETE /api/v1/watched/:userId/:id
- Response (200 OK):
{ "status": 200, "message": "Movie removed from watched", "success": true }
- Errores posibles:
- 404 Not Found: "Watched item not found"
- 500 Internal Server Error: "Internal Server Error"
- Response (200 OK):