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FOSDEM 2019 timeline

Vasil Kolev edited this page Dec 29, 2018 · 1 revision


  • brief network team:
    • where do the video network connections physically go?

Early January

  • print 5 copies of FOSDEM video manual
  • print location sheets for every camera

week before FOSDEM

Thursday 20190131

  • van with cams & mics to Brussels



  • arrivals:
    • cams & mics (?)
    • other video gear (from Leuven)
    • Vasil & Mark
    • per building video teams
  • tasks:
    • unload all a/v gear (to K1.105 if available, otherwise to corridor in front of VOC)
    • set up the physical voctop rack (in corridor if needed & move afterwards)
    • hang up video monitoring screen in VOC
    • install extra video monitoring screen in VOC
    • set up space under the auditorium: desk, chair, power extender, network, big monitor
    • label cameras, microphones and their bags and cases with room to be used in
    • stick placement sheet in every camera bag
    • help with other tasks until K1.105 available
  • K1.105 available?
    • move all a/v gear there
    • power extension cable from corridor
    • install small soho router with 4 video boxes (for testing cameras)
    • configure video cameras (see manual)
  • DC network available
    • install voctops onto vocto rack
  • ??:00 network at K1.105 available

12:00 campus officially open to us

  • per building video teams:
    • XLR cabling setup to video cam spots
    • set up tripods, video boxes & power extensions in rooms (unsupervised); coordinate with network!
    • empty flight case storage: 1 top floor of K, 1 in VOC, 1 AW under stairs, 1 upper H behind infodesk, 1 lower H under stairs
    • (until network available) help with other tasks
  • Vasil, Mark sets up VOC:
    • test uplink to streaming servers
    • monitoring station


  • per building video teams:
    • install cams & mics in rooms
    • report back to VOC for testing
    • VOC does an end to end streaming test


  • 08:30: per building teams:
    • full loop test per room
    • room status: streaming
  • 09:30: VOC starts recording onto SSDs
  • 10:15: streaming up everywhere, monitored by video volunteers inside the room and VOC
  • 19:10: cleanup
    • VOC remotely switches off video boxes
  • Install equipment in UA2.114 (Baudoux)
  • Install equipment in UA2.220 (Guillissen)
  • Remove equipment from UB2.147


  • 08:00: VOC remotely switches on video boxes
  • 08:45: (or devroom opening time -15 minutes): streaming up everywhere, monitored by video volunteers inside the room and in VOC
  • 18:05: VOC remotely switches off video boxes
  • 18:05: teardown (per building video team):
    • fill flight cases (tick off check list per room!)
    • cameras to VOC cameras per building
  • 18:30: Egbert & Sebastian pack cameras into van, park @$safe_place, back to ULB (ETA: 20:00)


  • before 14:00: Egbert & Sebastian drive back a/v equipment to rental place
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