It has happened to me very often to realize only at the end of the creation of a component of needing to connect it with redux. This HOC speed up the container creation.
- Install the npm package:
npm install --save redux-simple-container
yarn add redux-simple-container
- Import it:
import reduxSimpleContainer from "redux-simple-container";
- Create a simple component with a title and two action for change the title and wrap it up reduxSimpleContainer HOC:
const TitleComponent = ({ title, changeTitle, changeTitleSecondButton }) => (
<button onClick={() => changeTitle("NEW TITLE")}>Change Title</button>
<button onClick={() => changeTitleSecondButton()}>Change Title</button>
const changeTitleSecondButton = () => dispatch =>
dispatch({ type: "CHANGE_TITLE", title: "SECOND TITLE" })
export default reduxSimpleContainer(
[{ type: "CHANGE_TITLE", params: ["title"] }, "dispatch",
- the exported component will be equal at this:
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import TitleComponent from "../components/TitleComponent";
import { bindActionCreators } from "redux";
const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({
title: state.titleState.title
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
changeTitle: title => dispatch({ type: "CHANGE_TITLE", title }),
...bindActionCreators({ changeTitleSecondButton }, dispatch)
export default connect(
to summarize is a function that takes these 3 parameters.
actions: First parameter. An array of actions that will create the mapDispatchToProps object. they can be of three type:
string: the prop name is the camelCase value of the string and it is a function that dispatch an action with the string passed as a type. you can pass "dispatch" and you will get the dispatch function as a prop. example of passing "CHANGE_TITLE"
changeTitle: () => dispatch({ type: "CHANGE_TITLE" }),
object: action can be an object with the type of the action to dispatch and an array of params that you want to attach to the function. example an action like
params: ["title"],
creates a key in the mapDispatchToProps like this
changeTitle: (title) => dispatch({ type: "CHANGE_TITLE", title }),
otherwise you can simply pass function that will be bind as a props with redux bindActionCreators
stateRequested: Second parameter. Is an array of string. you have to pass a list of state key to map as a props. you can request nested state key split keys with a point. example if you pass an array like this
["book", "book.title", ""]
it will create a mapStateToProps object like this
Component: Third parameter. the component to connect.
if you want to contribute to the development of the package feel free to do it.
npm install
// to build the demo folder
npm run dev
// to build the source
npm run build