gravity ledger --home={home} init --network=devnet
"--home" is the home directory for Gravity
"--network" is the network type to generate configs for
To initialize configuration of the ledger for devnet, use this command:
gravity ledger --home={home} init
To initialize configuration of the ledger for a custom network, use this command:
gravity ledger --home={home} init --network=custom
If the directory contains no privKey.json, it will be generated automatically.
Configuration files: genesis.json - the genesis block for the ledger
The structure of the configuration file is partly described here, but there are a couple of custom sections:
"сonsulsCount": 5, #number of consuls
"initScore": {
"{pubKey of the validator}": {gravity score},
"oraclesAddressByValidator": {. # the public keys of validators in InitScore
"{pubKey of the validator}": {
"ethereum": "{pubKey ethereum}",
"waves": "{pubKey waves}"
config.json - configuration of the ledger node config.json: This file should be exactly the same in all nodes. p2p-PersistentPeers part should be like this:
"PersistentPeers": "[NODE-1 Id]@[NODE-1 IP]:26656,[Node-2 Id]@[NODE-2 IP]:26656,[Node-3 Id]@[NODE-3 IP]:26656"
you can get nodeId by calling "[NODE-1 IP]:26656/status"
The structure of the configuration file is partly described here, but there are a couple of custom sections:
"adapters": {
"ethereum": {
"nodeUrl": "", # ethereum node address
"gravityContractAddress": "" # gravity contract ethereum address
"waves": {
"NodeUrl": "", # waves node address
"ChainId": "S", # chainId of the waves node
"GravityContractAddress": # gravity contract waves address
key_state.json - the state of validator's key (tendermint)
node_key.json - the private key of the ledger node (tendermint)
In order for a validator to participate in consensus, it is necessary for others to grade its behavior (Gravity score). If the score of the validator is higher than 0, it is a full-fledged participant of consensus and it can qualify for a consul position.
There are two types of RPC in the Gravity ledger:
- public, set up in config.json RPC
- private, set up as a flag during launch. A standard value is
gravity ledger --home={home} start --rpc="" --bootstrap=""
home is the home directory for Gravity configuration files
rpc - host for the private rpc
bootstrap - public rpc bootstrap of the node that the validator will connect to
To launch the node in devnet, use this command:
gravity ledger —home={home} start
To launch the first node in the network:
gravity ledger —home={home} start --bootstrap=""
To launch all other nodes
gravity ledger —home={home} start --bootstrap={url of the public rpc of the first node in config.json}
—rpc="" - private rpc
—bootstrap="" - url of the bootstrap node to connect to
If you deploy the network locally, you can't set up more than two nodes on a single address (a Tendermint limitation).
Other information on node setup can be found here
To add a new validator to the consensus, it is necessary to vote for its gravity score The Gravity ledger needs to contain at least three validators.
To grade other node's behavior, send a request to the private RPC :
Route: http://{priv rpc host}/vote
"votes": [
PubKey: {public key of the validator},
Score: {your score from 0 to 100}
If the request does not contain a validator mentioned before, the grade will be changed to zero.
To create a Nebula, send a request to the private RPC:
Route: http://{priv rpc host}//setNebula
"NebulaId": "nebula address"
"ChainType": "ethereum/waves"
"MaxPulseCountInBlock": {the max amount of pulses in a block}
"MinScore": {the minumal score to participate in a nebula}
gravity oracle --home={home} init <nebula address> <ethereum/waves> <url of the public rpc of the gravity ledger> <url of the target chain node> <url of the extractor>"
After the execution of the above command, the {home} directory will have a folder "nebulae" with a {nebula address}.json file. For a more custom setup, this file can be edited manually.
gravity oracle --home={home} start <nebula address>
- This code developed base on two network base on ergo. There is no test with other coins.
- please fill ergoProxyUrl in config/config.go. (It's not the final version, this problem will be fixed.)
- please run the project in custom network.