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Solana SOL/SPLToken Transfer with Swift. SolanaWallet for iOS.


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SolanaWeb is an iOS toolbelt for interaction with the Solana network.

language Support  CocoaPods CocoaPods

For more specific usage, please refer to the demo


pod 'SolanaWeb', '~> 1.0.6'

Highly Important Forward Guidance

I used the node "" to test SOL transfers, SPL Token transfers, and other features,
all of which were successful. However, SPL Token transfers using this node are relatively slow, taking about 20 seconds. 
Therefore, I recommend purchasing nodes from

Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.7"))

Example usage

import SolanaWeb
Setup SolanaWeb
let solanaWeb = SolanaWeb3_V1()
if solanaWeb.isGenerateSolanaWebInstanceSuccess {
   transferType == .sendSOL ? sendSOL() : sendSPLToken()
} else {
   solanaWeb.setup(showLog: true) { [weak self] _ in
      guard let self = self else { return }
      self.transferType == .sendSOL ? self.sendSOL() : self.sendSPLToken()
Create Wallet
solanaWeb.createWallet() { [weak self] state, address, privateKey, mnemonic,error in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    self.createWalletBtn.isEnabled = true
    tipLabel.text = "create finished."
    if state {
        let text =
            "address: " + address + "\n\n" +
            "mnemonic: " + mnemonic + "\n\n" +
            "privateKey: " + privateKey
        walletDetailTextView.text = text
    } else {
        walletDetailTextView.text = error
Import Account From Mnemonic
guard let mnemonic = mnemonicTextView.text else{return}
solanaWeb.importAccountFromMnemonic (mnemonic: mnemonic){ [weak self] state, address, privateKey, publicKey, error in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    self.importAccountFromMnemonicBtn.isEnabled = true
    tipLabel.text = "import finished."
    if state {
        let text =
            "address: " + address + "\n\n" +
            "privateKey: " + privateKey + "\n\n" +
            "publicKey: " + publicKey
        walletDetailTextView.text = text
    } else {
        walletDetailTextView.text = error
Import Account From PrivateKey
guard let privateKey = privateKeyTextView.text else{return}
solanaWeb.importAccountFromPrivateKey(privateKey: privateKey){ [weak self] state, address, privateKey,error in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    self.importAccountFromPrivateKeyBtn.isEnabled = true
    tipLabel.text = "import finished."
    if state {
        let text =
            "address: " + address + "\n\n" +
            "privateKey: " + privateKey
        walletDetailTextView.text = text
    } else {
        walletDetailTextView.text = error
Estimate Cost with Send SOL
guard let sendAddress = sendAddressTextView.text,
          let toAddress = reviceAddressField.text,
          let amount = amountTextField.text else { return }
    print("Estimate Cost start.")
    solanaWeb.estimatedSOLTransferCost(fromAddress: sendAddress,
                                       toAddress: toAddress,
                                       amount: amount,
                                       endpoint: SolanaMainNet) { [weak self] state, estimatedSOLTransferCost,error in
        guard let self = self else { return }
        print("Estimate Cost finised.")
        if (state) {
            self.estimatedCostLabel.text = "send SOL estimated cost \(estimatedSOLTransferCost) SOL "
        } else {
            self.estimatedCostLabel.text = error
Send SOL
let privateKey = ""
let toAddress = ""
let amount = ""
solanaWeb.solanaTransfer(privateKey: privateKey, toAddress: toAddress, amount: amount, endpoint: SolanaMainNet) { [weak self] state, txid, error in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    print("state = \(state)")
    print("txid = \(txid)")
    if (state) {
        self.hashLabel.text = txid
     } else {
        self.hashLabel.text = error
Estimate Cost with Send SPLToken
guard let privateKey = privateKeyTextView.text,
      let toAddress = reviceAddressField.text,
      let tokenAddress = SPLTokenAddressTextField.text,
      let amount = amountTextField.text else { return }
      solanaWeb.estimatedSPLTokenTransferCost(privateKey: privateKey,
                                                toAddress: toAddress,
                                                mintAddress: tokenAddress,
                                                amount: amount) { [weak self] state, cost,error in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            if (state) {
                self.estimatedCostLabel.text = "sendSPLToken estimated cost \(cost) SOL "
            } else {
                self.estimatedCostLabel.text = error
Send SPLToken
let privateKey = ""
let toAddress = ""
let tokenAddress = ""
let amount = ""
solanaWeb.solanaTokenTransfer(privateKey: privateKey, toAddress: toAddress, mintAuthority: tokenAddress, amount: amount, endpoint: SolanaMainNet) { [weak self] state, txid, error in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    print("state = \(state)")
    print("txid = \(txid)")
    if (state) {
        self.hashLabel.text = txid
     } else {
        self.hashLabel.text = error

For more specific usage, please refer to the demo


SolanaWeb is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.