ExtendedAnimationDrawable: AnimationDrawable child class which provides methods to work with animation:
- Add listener and other interactions with animator
- Reverse animation from any current state
SharedElementTransition: Transition set which contains main transitions for shared transition. Changes:
- In all contained transitions fixed bug when shared transition doesn't work if fragment change is result of FragmentTransaction#show(Fragment) and FragmentTransaction#hide(Fragment) instead of FragmentTransaction#replace(int, Fragment).
- In ChangeTransform for Build.VERSION_CODES#Q fixed bug when attached overlay view doesn't detach after animation.
- For ChangeTransform added feature to draw itself behind some views
Wait: Transition to make view remain visible until animation end.
ActionMode: Similar to android.view.ActionMode but with a bit more control on ActionMode state
ParallaxBackgroundScrollView & ParallaxBackgroundNestedScrollView: ScrollView which allows to set several background Bitmap and move them with every change of scroll positions to achieve parallax effect.
BitmapCreator: Class to create scaled Bitmap and copy Bitmap into another Bitmap.
MotionController: Class to handle scroll. Provides methods to:
- Store start and current position of pointer.
- Determine scroll direction
- Get offset between start and current positions
- Emulate scroll in passed {@link Direction}
- Set interpolator for emulated scroll
PagerAdapterHandler: Class to make your Object work with large data set. Use it to provide your Object functional to change according current adapter position.
FilterableArrayList: Extended ArrayList class which provide methods to filter content without changes in real data set.
MultiCompare: Class that allows you to sort by multiple attributes.
MultiSelectHandler: Class to store selections