Miscelaneous benches of the arrow2 crate against other crates or implementations to check its performance.
python3 -m venv venv
venv/bin/pip install -U pip
venv/bin/pip install matplotlib
cargo bench --bench avro_read
venv/bin/python summarize.py
Currently the benches show a different scaling vs the official and non-official implementations:
size, time (ms)
1024, 49.74483399174329
4096, 190.35771459265735
16384, 753.3089729600148
65536, 2984.9877905882354
262144, 11928.902975999996
1048576, 47522.94082
size, time (ms)
1024, 229.62299835950017
4096, 837.8493449459621
16384, 3256.515289375
65536, 12912.201869999999
262144, 53139.18834
1048576, 206670.37229
size, time (ms)
1024, 219.86431735643893
4096, 875.1018998068221
16384, 3410.7918426666665
65536, 12594.5307275
262144, 50786.8811
1048576, 221235.15888
fastavro (Python)
size, time (ms)
1024, 705.8981247246265
4096, 3745.7819655537605
16384, 12964.886464178562
65536, 57986.73645593226
262144, 234781.9719929248
1048576, 1009835.6236703694