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This is a project for Udacity's Robotic Software Engineering NanoDegree. It's a robot that finds a white ball in a forward-facing camera and drives towards it.

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This is a project for Udacity's Robotic Software Engineering NanoDegree. It's a robot that finds a white ball in a forward-facing camera and drives towards it.

Concepts Explored

Project 2 covers the following concepts

  • Gazebo model and world-building
  • Gazebo plugins
  • URDF (Universal Robotic Description Format) Files
  • ROS publishers, subscribers, and services
  • RVIZ (3D visualization tool for ROS)
  • ROSCPP (C++)
  • CMakeLists

Getting Started

To view this project, you must have Gazebo and ROS installed on Linux ROS installation: Gazebo installation:

Next you will need to create a catkin workspace (, and then clone my repo as the src folder into the workspace. Navigate to your home director and do the following commands

Now navigate to the tope level of the catkin workspace directory and build the executables:

  • $ cd .. && catkin_make
  • $ source devel/setup.bash

Time to launch gazebo with the robot in it, run the following command in terminal:

  • $ roslaunch drive_bot world.launch

Open another terminal window and run the following commands

  • $ cd catkin_ws
  • $ source devel/setup.bash
  • $ roslaunch ball_chaser ball_chaser.launch

Launching this will start the process image node for the forward-facing camera and commands the robot to chase the white ball in its field of view. Add a ball to the field of view by navigating to the insert tab in gazebo and place the ball in front of the drive_bot.


This is a project for Udacity's Robotic Software Engineering NanoDegree. It's a robot that finds a white ball in a forward-facing camera and drives towards it.






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