SANDECALClustering takes as input the digitized photodetector signals in <digit file>
and produces clusters of reconstructed cells in the ECAL. The output <cluster file>
has the following structure:
cluster.x (y, z)
cluster.e (ay, az) #apex (sy, sz) #direction
cluster.varx (vay, varz) #variance
Each reco_cell
object has the following structure:
int id;
double z;
double y;
double x;
double l;
int mod;
int lay;
double e;
double t;
dg_ps ps1; #photodetector 1 digitized photo-signal
dg_ps ps2; #photodetector 2 digitized photo-signal
Currently, there are only two supported building and development environments:
FNAL machines are Almalinux9 and the supported package manager is Spack. Documentation can be found here.
To build and install sandreco
using spack, download the installation file and run it.
curl -O
source <spack installation folder>
When the script ends to run, you are ready to use sandreco
To develop sandreco
, first install edepsim
downloading the installation file and run it.
curl -O
source <spack installation folder>
Then, build sandreco
using the following commands:
mkdir <installation path>
cd <installation path>
git clone
mkdir build && cd build
spack load [email protected]
spack load [email protected]
spack load [email protected]
cmake ../sandreco/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.. \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH="$(spack find --paths [email protected] | grep "[email protected]" | awk -F' ' '{print $2}')/lib:$(spack find --paths [email protected] | grep "[email protected]" | awk -F' ' '{print $2}')/lib/root:${PWD}/../lib"
make -j8
make install
On the CNAF machine run, CMake is used to build sandreco
using the following commands:
mkdir <installation path>
cd <installation path>
git clone
mkdir build && cd build
source /opt/exp_software/neutrino/al9/
cmake ../sandreco/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=..
make -j8
make install
source ../
$ VERSION="v01_00_00"
$ QUAL="e20:prof"
$ source /cvmfs/
$ mrb newDev -v $VERSION -q $QUAL
$ source localProducts_larsoft_*/setup
$ mrb g sandreco
$ mrbsetenv
$ mrb b -j8
$ mrb i
for a specific tag or branch do mrb g -t $TAG sandreco
or mrb g -b $BRANCH sandreco
The sandreco
project provides six executables:
- Digitize will perform digitization,
- SANDECALClustering will clusterize the ECAL DAQ digit in clusters of reconstructed cells,
- Reconstruct will reconstruct tracks in STT and clusters in ECAL
- Analyze will identify particles and assign them a momentum
- FastCheck will produce a lot of plots to check everything is ok
- Display displays events
The executables exploit two libraries:
- for utilities
- for i/o
- Create digits of STT and cells of calorimeter
$ Digitize <MC file> <digit file>
- Create clusters of ECAL reconstructed cells (output
<cluster file>
is not an input argument)
$ SANDECALClustering -d <digit file>
- Track find and fit of STT track
- Clustering of calorimeter cells
$ Reconstruct <MC file> <digiti file> <reco file>
- Evaluate parameters of particles
- Evaluate neutrino energy
$ Analyze <MC file> <reco file>
- Produce several plots to check everything is ok
$ FastCheck <root file> <pdf file>
- Display an event
$ Display <event number> <MC file> <input file> [show trajectories] [show fits] [show digits]
The description of the data format can be found here
- The code format can be find here
- The developing scheme is described HowToDevelop.pdf
For any communication, please refer to [email protected]