What is "Bubbles" ? 🛀
Bubbles is a collection of different code snippets, which allow anyone to quickly insert and modify a bubble effect around the cursor on their website.
To use any of these bubble Effects on your website simply link the js file to your HTML and copy the css into your Stylesheet.
While credit is greatly appreciated it is by no means required.
For more information see the docs
v1: Most Basic Version; not recommended for use
v2: Iteration on v1; good for use if movement of Bubbles isn't wanted
v3: Most recent Version
v3_gs: Adds a gradient to the bubbles and makes them first turn white then disappear
v3 p; Best for most uses; has parameters at the top of the file to alow for easy customization
round cursor; Simply a round cursor, not directly related to the other snippets
canvas-round cursor; Highly discouraged from use, simply here as an idea for others to work off of
Author & Copyright-holder : David Joseph Thievon
This project is licensed under the MIT license, for more information see LICENSE.txt