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Iterative Training with Paco Classifier

softcat477 edited this page Jul 13, 2022 · 3 revisions

Iterative Training with Paco Classifier

  1. Correct manuscripts with background removal and pixel.
  2. Train paco classifier with the manuscript you just corrected.
  3. Let the trained paco classifier predict more manuscripts for you.
  4. Correct predicted manuscripts. Repeat 1~3 until you get satisfying results (means the paco classifier is able to predict correctly).

Iteration 1

Background Removal.

This job use Sauvola threshold to remove background of a manuscript.

The reuslt looks like this:

  • Job Name: Background Removal
  • Category: Background removal - remove image background
  • Input Port:
    • Image of type rgb+png, rgb+jpg, rgba+png, greyscale+png, onebit+png.
  • Output Port:
    • RGBA PNG image of type rgba+png: the input Image with its background removed.
    • (Optional) Empty Layer: An empty layer ready to be used as the PNG-Layer<i> Input of the Pixel_js job.
  • Settings:
    • Background Removal Method: A drop down menu to select the method to do background removal. Support using Sauvola Threshold (no neural network) and Selectional Auto-Encoder (SAE) binarize (with neural network)
    • window_size: The window_size for Sauvola Threshold, see docs for skimage
    • k: The k for Sauvola Threshold, see docs for skimage
    • contrast: adjust contrast before using Sauvola Threshold with img = img * (contrast/127+1) - contrast + brightness
    • brightness: adjust brightness before using Sauvola Threshold with img = img * (contrast/127+1) - contrast + brightness


Manually label a small region!

Say we want two layers: neumes and staff, we need three input ports in Pixel_js job:

  1. Image: this will be the manuscript we sent to the Background Removal.
  2. PNG-Layer1 Input: this is the output port (RGBA PNG image) of the Background Removal job.
  3. PNG-Layer2 Input: this will be the optional output port Empty Layer of the Background Removal job. In Pixel_js, this is simply an empty layer.

Background Removal only removes the background of an input manuscript, which means that all the neumes and staff we care about are still inside its output (RGBA PNG image). Say we want neumes in the first layer, staff in the second layer, our task is to move all the staff inside the pixel's first layer (PNG-Layer1 Input) to the second layer (PNG-Layer2 Input).

Before we actually get our hands dirty in doing this, make sure we crop a region first and only label pixels inside that region!

After labeling pixels inside a region, Pixel_js automatically generates an additional background layer for you. All the outputs (Image, generated background, labeled neumes, labeled staff, cropped region) are packed into a zip file. We recommend not opening and modifying the zip file!

This is the complete workflow for Pixel_js

Before you do the labeling job by hand.
<PNG-Layer1 Input> contains <neumes> and <staff>.
<PNG-Layer2 Input> contains nothing. It's just an empty layer.

When working on Pixel_js:
1. First, we crop a region.
2. Second, go to <PNG-Layer1 Input>. Move all the <staff> to <PNG-Layer2 Input>
3. We only have to work on the cropped region.

After our labeling job:
<PNG-Layer1 Input> contains <neumes>.
<PNG-Layer2 Input> contains <staff>.

Then Pixel_js prepares a zip file for you that contains:
<Image>: The original manuscript.
<rgba PNG - Layer 0 (Background)>: This is the background that Pixel_js generates for you.
<rgba PNG - Layer 1>: This layer is labeled by us. It contains <neumes>.
<rgba PNG - Layer 2>: This layer is labeled by us. It contains <staff>.
<rgba PNG - Selected regions>: The region we cropped.

Training model of Patchwise Analysis of Music Document, Training

Train the classifier with data we just labeled!
  • Job Name: Training model of Patchwise Analysis of Music Document, Training
  • Category: OMR - Layout analysis
  • Input Port:
    • Sample <i> of type application/zip. This is the zip output from Pixel_js. We can add up to 20 input porst.
  • Output Port:
    • Log file: A log file.
    • Model <j>: The trained jth model to predict the jth layer.

The number of output models equals the number of input layers to Pixel_js + one additional background layer generated by Pixel_js!

Here we'll reuse the example workflow in Pixel_js as an example. In the Pixel_js's example we input two layers: <PNG-Layer1 Input> and <PNG-Layer2 Input>, and labeled them as <neumes> and <staff>.

Since #output models of <Training model of Patchwise Analysis of Music Document, Training> is #layers + 1, in this exmpale, #output models will be 2+1=3. We get three trained models: one for background generated by Pixel_js, one for labeled neumes, and one for labeled staff.

Training model of Patchwise Analysis of Music Document, Classifying

Use your trained model to classify more manuscripts!
  • Job Name: Fast Pixelwise Analysis of Music Document, Classifying
  • Category: OMR - Layout analysis
  • Input Port:
    • Image: This is the manuscript you want to classify.
    • Background model: The trained model to predict background.
    • Model <i>: The trained model to predict ith layer.
  • Output Port:
    • Background: The predicted background
    • Layer <i>: The predicted ith layer.

Iteration 2+

The workflow Training model of Patchwise Analysis of Music Document, Training and Fast Pixelwise Analysis of Music Document, Classifying is the same. The only difference is the Background Removal and Pixel_js.

Basically, in 2+ iteration, we don't need the Background Removal job anymore. The predicted layers, output Layer<i> from Fast Pixelwise Analysis of Music Document, Classifying of the last iteration, are the input layers (PNG-Layer<i> Input) to Pixel_js. So we correct the predicted layers from the trained model, and use the corrected layers as the new training data.