Dex/Pancakeswap bot
Source code is Python based, using PYQT5 as GUI, support multi wallets, intergated with Honeypot checker, approve, buy and sell function
Contact Telegram: @CryptoJoinSmith for price (only for source code now).
- Check token basic info(price/liquidity/tax/honeypot)
- Approving, Buying and selling token, custom slippage and custom sell token percentage
- Support multiple wallets
- Paste the token contract address, select the liquidity pool.
- Paste the private keys, use "," to support multiple wallets.
- Click the load wallet button, select which wallet you want to operate.
- Set slippage, gas price and gas limit.
- Set buy amount or sell token percentage.
- Click Approve, Buy or Sell button
You need to provide the private key in the program to sign transaction, the private key will never upload to any server, you can check it on Fiddler or other tools.