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The foundry-js JavaScript library provides convenient access to CrowdStrike's Foundry API for authoring UI pages and extensions.


npm install @crowdstrike/foundry-js
# or
yarn add @crowdstrike/foundry-js
# or
pnpm add @crowdstrike/foundry-js

Overview 🔎

SDK provides abstractions to build Foundry Pages, Extensions and interact with Foundry artifacts - Workflows, Collections, LogScale, API Integrations and CrowdStrike APIs.


When application starts, it should establish connection to Falcon Console. If connection is not establishes in first 5 seconds - app or extension will be dropped from loading on the page.

import FalconApi from '@crowdstrike/foundry-js';

(async () => {
  const falcon = new FalconApi();
  await falcon.connect();

Receive events from Falcon Console

When UI extensions is loaded, it might receive data for the context it is loaded, for example if UI extension was built for Detection side panel, it will receive detection associated data. If data is updated in Falcon Console - event will automatically execute and pass new data.

(async () => {'data', (data) => {
    // store received `data` and use it inside your application

Working with Workflows

To call on-demand workflow:

(async () => {
  const config = { name: 'WorkflowName', depth: 0 };

  const pendingResult = await falcon.api.workflows.postEntitiesExecuteV1({}, config);

  const result = await falcon.api.workflows.getEntitiesExecutionResultsV1({ ids: triggerResult.resources[0] });  

Working with Collections

(async () => {
  const sampleData = {
    "name": "John",
    "age": 42,
    "aliases": ["Doe", "Foundry"]
  const collection = falcon
    .collection({collection: '<collectionName>' });

  // to write a collection
  const result = await collection.write('test-key', sampleData);

  // read collection
  const record = await'test-key');
  // record.age === 42
  // search collection, `filter` does NOT use FQL (Falcon Query Language). An exact match for the name has to be used in this example below
  const searchResult = await{ filter: `name:'exact-name-value'` });

  // list the object keys in the collection, pagination is supported using; `start`, `end` and `limit`.
  const listResult = await collection.list({ start, end, limit });
  // deletes record
  const deleteResponse = await collection.delete('test-key');

Working with LogScale

(async () => {
  // write to LogScale
  const writeResult = await falcon.logscale.write({ test: 'check' });
  // writeResult.resources?.[0]?.rows_written === 1
  // run dynamic query
  const queryResult = await falcon.logscale.query({ search_query: "*", start: "1h" });
  // queryResult.resources?.[0]?.event_count > 0
  // run saved query
  const savedQueryResult = await falcon.logscale.savedQuery({ id: "<savedQueryId>", start: "30d", mode: 'sync' });
  // savedQueryResult.resources?.[0]?.event_count > 0

Working with API Integration

To call API Integration, App should be initially provisioned, and configuration for API Integration should be set up.

(async () => {
  // we assume, that API Integration was created and operation Get Cities exists
  const apiIntegration = falcon.apiIntegration({
    definitionId: '<api-integration-id from manifest.yml>',
    operationId: 'Get Cities',

  const response = await apiIntegration.execute({
    request: {
      params: {
        path: {
          country: 'Spain'
  // response.resources?.[0]?.status_code === 200
  // date is at response.resources[0].response_body

Working with Cloud Functions

(async () => {
  const config = {
    name: 'CloudFunctionName',
    version: 1
  const cloudFunction = falcon.cloudFunction(config);

  // you can specify path parameters that will be passsed to your Cloud Function. 
  // `id` and `mode` - example query params that your Cloud Function will receive 
  const getResponse = await cloudFunction.path('/?id=150&mode=compact')

  // you can call different HTTP methods - GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE 
  const postResponse = await cloudFunction.path('/')
    .post({ name: 'test' });

  const patchResponse = cloudFunction.path('/')
    .patch({ name: 'test' });
  const putResponse = cloudFunction.path('/')
    .put({ name: 'test' });
  const deleteResponse = cloudFunction.path('/?id=100')

Navigation utilities

As Page or UI extension will run inside sandboxed iframe, clicking links or navigating will be limited. When browser URL changes, Foundry UI Page will receive that data via iframe hash change event. You can listen to hash change event and process your app internal navigation.

window.addEventListener("hashchange", (event) => {
  let rawHash = new URL(event.newURL).hash;

  const path = rawHash.substring(1);
}, false);

// to read initial hash when your app loads:
const initialPath = document.location.hash.substring(1);

If you have links in your application, that point to the internal URLs of your application (for example navigation from /page-1 to /page-2) - you can add data- attribute to those links, and add onClick handler, that will handle navigation outside of iframe and will update iframe hash.

// find all links with data attribute - `data-internal-link` 
  .addEventListener('click', (event) => falcon.navigation.onClick(event, '_self', 'internal'));

If you have external links that you want to navigate to, for example, you can add data- attribute to identify those:

// find all links with data attribute - `data-external-link` 
      .addEventListener('click', (event) => falcon.navigation.onClick(event));

Modal utility

To open a modal within Falcon Console, rendering UI extension of your choice:

const result = await api.ui.openModal(
    id: '<extension ID as defined in the manifest>', 
    type: 'extension' // 'extension' | 'page'
  'Modal title', 
    path: '/', // initial path that will be set when page or extension loads  
    data: { foo: 'bar' }, // data to pass to the modal
    size: 'lg', // width of the modal - 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'. 'md' is default
    align: 'top', // vertical alignment - 'top' or undefined
  } // OpenModalOptions

// to close modal:
await api.ui.closeModal();

await api.ui.closeModal({ foo: 'bar' });// you can pass payload

Sample apps

Application Framework
Triage with MITRE Attack Vue
Scalable RTR React
Rapid Response React


Javascript Blueprint Starter Javascript blueprint used in Foundry CLI
React Blueprint Starter React blueprint used in Foundry CLI
Falcon Shoelace Shoelace Library of web components styled to fit in Falcon Console