This project is a template for making point and click games using Raylib.
I must disclose that this project was made for fun and as such presents what could be defined as "deadly sins of coding", that are things that I usually wouldn't do when programming on a project that is supposed to include others.
Those are the following:
- Using λ as a variable name because "it looked slick"
- Inserting code more than a line long in headers "out of lazyness"
- Including no Makefile because "I can compile it by typing the same command every time"
- Using .h instead of .hpp because "It was shorter to type"
Remember that this code was not meant to be published in the first place and thus is far from polished
After downloading the repository you may compile it by running this command
g++ game.cpp -lraylib -lGL -lm -lpthread -ldl -lrt -lX11 -o game
So far it was only tested on Linux. The code is not guaranteed to compile on other platforms, but could be easily ported thanks to Raylib's versatility.