Sonarr Transmission Fixer allows you to update the seeded data location automatically of a torrent in Transmission, downloaded via Sonarr.
Use for Sonarr V4
- was built with v3, might work on some early v4 builds
Change the USER:PASSWD to your USERNAME and PASSWORD for your Transmission. If you don't have a password you can remove the '-n USER:PASSWD'
Run this script as a "custom script" from Sonarr's "Settings > Connect > Connections" option. Set it to function 'On Download' put in the path to the script and save.
Make sure the script is executable by the Sonarr user
Run with Sonarr copying files, not hardlinking
While Sonarr can handle removing of completed downloads, the script does it itself.
BASH script
Can handle season packs within folders properly as of jun/2021
Optionally refresh season within Sonarr to update not capture file moves
Optionally empty plex trash in TV livrary, use to find the library number
Sonarr will provide all the required directory and file details to the script, which will then set the seeding location of a torrent to where you store the data and remove the origin file from the default Transmission downlaod directory, Saving you from having two files.
The script will create a log file in the directory of the script, which will be a max of LOGLINES
Sonarr team aren't looking to implement this option any time soon so this is my quick fix to the issue Sonarr/Sonarr#738
Also a script for Radarr available here