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Tech Registry

ClicShopping - e-commerce Solution B2B B2C edited this page Jun 24, 2021 · 1 revision

Registry ClicShopping\OM\Registry


The registry is an object storage container strictly used to store object instances and access them by reference. It does not allow registered objects to be overwritten unless manually specified to do so.

Adding to the Registry

Objects can be added to the registry using Registry::set().

use ClicShopping\OM\Db;
use ClicShopping\OM\Registry;

$CLICSHOPPING_Db = Db::initialize();

Registry::set('Db', $CLICSHOPPING_Db);


Registry::set($key, $value, $force)
Parameter    Value
$key           The name of the object to reference in the registry.
$value           The object to store in the registry.
$force            If this is enabled, overwrite an existing object with a new value. Default: false

Accessing the Registry

An object can be accessed in the registry using Registry::get().

use ClicShopping\OM\Registry;

$CLICSHOPPING_Db = Registry::get('Db');


Parameter    Value
$key    The name of the object to access in the registry.

Checking the Registry

An existing object can be checked for in the registry using Registry::exists().

use ClicShopping\OM\Db;
use ClicShopping\OM\Registry;

if (Registry::exists('Db')) {
    $CLICSHOPPING_Db = Registry::get('Db');
} else {
    $CLICSHOPPING_Db = Db::initialize();

    Registry::set('Db', $CLICSHOPPING_Db);


Parameter    Value
$key            The name of the object to check in the registry for.