Releases: ClarkFieseln/IPRadar2ForLinux
- major improvement in memory usage (<160MB in worst-case test-scenarios):
plotMap() is now called every configuration.CHECK_PERIOD_IN_SEC*4.0 i.o. every configuration.CHECK_PERIOD_IN_SEC
This means e.g. every 2 seconds instead of every 0.5 seconds.
The update rate is still very high, as for now we just update static maps.
In future we want to update maps "dynamically".
- added packet statistics on GUI: in, processed, queued.
- improved call to plotMap(): now we update only using flag needUpdate.
Note that it is not worth calling plotMap() in a different thread as we need to
lock the use of node_dict and other data in processPacket() and other concurrent functions,
thus having no benefit in performance. Thus we call it sequentially inside processPacket() when needed. - tests under high-load conditions result in memory usage of approx. 230MB, but sometimes it may raise up to 500MB.
- use of .join() instead of + for concatenating strings shall prevent memory leaks
- delete map at the end of plotMap() as another measure to prevent memory leaks
- updated TODO.txt
- improved description in READ_ME.txt (to also install whois and traceroute)
NOTE: memory leak when zooming in and out in a "live" map.
This can be resolved in future releases e.g. by opening a "separate" .html map or by finding and solving the root-cause(s).
To get rid of memory leaks completely we may also need to make some major changes like not using lists and dicts anymore (?)
BUG correction in
index = self.comboBoxInterface.currentIndex()
index = self.comboBoxInterface.getCurrentIndex()
Now it is possible to set the INTERFACE parameter in config.ini without problems. -
Updated READ_ME.txt:
0) ...
You may need to add the installation path to PATH with:
export PATH=$PATH:<installation_path>
export PATH=$PATH:/home/$USER/.local/bin
(you can find the installation path with: whereis ipradar2)
- Moved files in ui folder one level above (and removed ui folder)
- corrected BUG: icons were NOT being found in PyPI package once installed, so we now copy then at startup from the installation folder, as we do e.g. with config.ini
This release contains the following:
- ported project to Linux from original IPRadar2 (for Windows)
- correction of several bugs on that version
- several improvements
- new features
- installation with: pip install ipradar2
- etc.
For now the release 0.0.2 matches the release in PyPI.