WAD level loader-script(from DOOM-alike games) for Godot.
v0.2.1 - present simple line mesh of level with standart DOOM map red color, doors and other interactive lines are marked with yellow.
v0.2 - some improvements for future development..
v0.1 - present simple line mesh of level without any details, floor height or textures. In future I will add walls, floors, and maybe texture loading support.
This is very simple - push your WAD file into main directory of your project, create Spatial and attach WADLevelLoader.gd to it, push the path to WAD file into Wad path parameter, if the WAD have multiple levels you can target specific in Level Name parameter, if the result is too large - control the scale using Scale parameter.
You can test current version with e1m1.wad from Freedoom project(included).