A package of the ISAcreator tool including the ISA-Tab MIACME configurations (for version 1.1), i.e. templates to build MIACME-compliant metadata in ISAcreator, can be downloaded from here:
To run the tool, you will need Java installed in your system. Unzip the file and execute the ISAcreator.jar file (you can double-click the file). If you want to run the tool from the command line, use:
java -cp ISAcreator.jar org.isatools.isacreator.launch.ISAcreatorApplication
For documentation about ISAcreator, please see:
You can also download the configuration files for MIACME 1.0 themselves:
- https://bitbucket.org/agbeltran/isatools-downloads/downloads/isaconfig-MIACMEv1.1-multiassay.zip
- https://bitbucket.org/agbeltran/isatools-downloads/downloads/isaconfig-MIACMEv1.1.zip
A package of the ISAcreator tool including the ISA-Tab MIACME configurations (for version 1.0), i.e. templates to build MIACME-compliant metadata in ISAcreator, can be downloaded from here:
To run the tool, you will need Java installed in your system. Unzip the file and execute the ISAcreator.jar file (you can double-click the file). If you want to run the tool from the command line, use:
java -cp ISAcreator.jar org.isatools.isacreator.launch.ISAcreatorApplication
For documentation about ISAcreator, please see:
You can also download the configuration files for MIACME 1.0 themselves:
- https://bitbucket.org/agbeltran/isatools-downloads/downloads/isaconfig-MIACMEv1.0-multiassay-20181017.zip
- https://bitbucket.org/agbeltran/isatools-downloads/downloads/isaconfig-MIACMEv1.0-20181017.zip
If you want to use the ISAcreator tool wit MIACME version 0.3, you can find it here:
But we recommend using the latest MIACME version (see above).