Metapackage including ROS packages, configurations, and launch files used on the 2022-2023 MNSU autonomous snowplow project.
Sensor Descriptions:
Trimble GPS reciever, swiftnav antenna, LPMS U3 IMU, 2 1024 ppr encoders, Intel d435i RGB-D camera
robot_localization EKF fusing data from the 3 sensors
- Wheel odometry stream from roboteq_diff_driver - accesses motor controller through C++ api to receive encoder tick count, current in Amps through each motor channel, and temperature of motor controller
- IMU data stream from openzen_ros C++ driver
- Filtered & Fused orientation from magnetometer, gyro, and accelerometer data using IMU madgwick filter
- GPS data stream from nmea_socket_pub, parsed NMEA sentences converted to robot coordinate frame using navsat_transform
Intel D435i RGB-D camera used in RTABmap package for SLAM/mapping
- Parameters and filters located here
- RGBD_Sync nodelet: Synchronize camera messages, throttle data to improve SLAM performance
- points_xyzrgb creates pointcloud2 data from synchronized RGB-D images, used for 3-D voxel obstacle layer
- obstacle_detection package used to differentiate ground & obstacles, used for clearing & marking in costmaps
- RTABmap_ros used to generate & store grid map from RGB-D images, will include LiDAR for mapping when functional
Buffer_waypoints package is a move_base action client that allows following of multiple waypoints; will be upgraded to state machine/behavior tree in future
- subscribes to /initialpose topic published by RVIZ, adds clicked poses from that topic to a waypoint queue & begins navigating when prompted
Waypoint_follower node is similar to buffer_waypoints but includes functionality with the react web app & a workaround to move_base not changing status when waypoint is reached
Web Interface: React App that allows teleop, video stream, and autonomous functionality
- reads GPS/GNSS NMEA sentence streams over specified TCP port, parsing GGA & GST sentences to both applicable GPS fix data, as well as a published covariance matrix
- covariance matrix updated in real-time, so the kalman filter fused data takes more or less accurate GPS data into account
OpenCV scripts used to convert PNG images of a map/blueprint into binary for use in map servers.
for more technical detail on the system and explanation on software architecture decisions see this directory
Additional Project outcomes:
On machine running ROS master:
roslaunch navstack_pub camera.launch
rosrun web_video_server web_video_server
On rpi running web server & website client node (on same ROS master):
rosrun waypoint_follower driver
roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_server.launch
serve -s build #(in react app folder; If apache not configured & react app is built)
*(to access from other network, configure husarnet and join p2p network)