This is the backend of our teams capstone project 'Orbit'. It is a platform designed to help users (carers) organise and manage the needs of individuals under their care and allows a collaborative capabalility with other family members that also care for that individual.
The platform allows users to set up profiles for individuals under their care.
- The caree profiles have important information about the individual including a bio, and
. - These profiles can then be shared with other users using a
. - All carers connected to the caree profile are able to edit the profile and more specifically add/remove and assign themselves a need from the
- Intellij IDE, JDK 17
- Spring Boot
- PostgresSQL
- Postico
- Postman
The backend API was created with Spring Boot using the following:
- Project: Maven
- Language: Java 17.0.5
- Dependencies:
- Spring Web
- Spring Boot DevTools
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Security
- PostgreSQL Driver
Within your terminal...
Clone the project:
git clone [email protected]:saragilani/CapStone-BackEnd.git
Create a local database named 'orbit':
createdb orbit
Ensure postgresql is also installed using this command:
brew install postgresql
You can now open the API within intelliJ and run it in the file named 'OrbitApplication'
The classes User
and Caree
will be connected via the many-to-many relationship they each have with Need
Here we see the structure in which we designed the API to allow us to manipulate the classes within our database. Included is a controller
, service
, model
and repository
class each for Caree
, Need
and User
HTTP Request Path | Request Type | Description |
.../user | GET | Display all users |
.../user/1 | GET | Find user by id |
.../users | POST | Add new user |
.../user/1 | DELETE | Delete user |
.../user/1 | PATCH | Update user |
.../carees | GET | Display all carees |
.../carees/1 | GET | Find caree id |
.../carees | POST | Add a new caree |
.../carees/1 | DELETE | Remove a caree |
.../carees/1 | PATCH | Update caree |
.../needs | GET | Display all needs |
.../needs/1 | GET | Find a need by id |
.../needs | POST | Add a new need |
.../needs/1 | DELETE | Remove a need |
.../needs/1 | PATCH | Update a need |