Functional Programming is undergoing a surge in popularity with new and exciting languages, blog posts and books appearing every week. FP techniques are especially powerful when dealing with modern multi-core processors and distributed systems, even though the theories on which it is based are decades old. But despite the promised benefits, FP can be difficult for programmers to grok.
During this tutorial you will solve lots of coding problems, demonstrating that FP can be thought of as a style of programming rather than a language feature. And you’ll see that by adopting techniques and idioms from FP you can make your code cleaner and safer no matter which language you use.
This will be an extremely practical session in the style of a dojo or code retreat. You will be programming many tasks throughout the day and so you will need a laptop with your text editor of choice. You will not need any experience of FP nor any theoretical background, but if you have either of those then bring them to share!
From Accu2013 sessions.
branch will contain all code samples and
branch will contain all presentations inorg-html-slideshow
emacs >= 23
org-mode >= 7.x
runtime files fromorg-html-slideshow
repo- A recent
from ELPA
C-c C-e h
to export org file to html. Check them both in.- Make sure you have an