Copyright © 2021 Bradley M. Small
This is an exercise in OOP to create interactive classes that produce a standard deck of cards that can be shuffled and dealt. It was written as a proof of understanding for myself. It was not intended as the basis of anything further, though I have considered using it to make some card game implementations.
The source code is Java.
This code is intended as an exercise for me to apply my learning of Java. I am quite open to suggestions and recommendations for improvement.
If you wish to use any of this code for personal and/or educational purposes you may freely do so as long as you do not claim it as your own. Give a guy a little credit if you use his work.
If you wish to make money with this code, such as publishing it in a tutorial or making a salable product I want a cut of the action. As unlikely as this may be, simply contact me, so we can work out the details.