A simple fullstack application which uses Node JS, Vue JS, and Express.js to bring you a lovely little emulation of itbooks.store/'s API.
Dependencies: node, mysql
Guide to running the app:
First, you have to clone the app and its submodule:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Bokayy/boky-s_bookstore.git
Upon installing MySQL and node (presuming a fresh GNU/Linux install)
Enter the MySQL REPL via:
mysql -u username -p Enter
insert PW
Exit; (to leave the MySQL REPL)
mysql -u root -p bookstore < /path/to/bookstore.sql
Database access credentials are accessed in database.js via an .env file which has to be created within the root directory.
env file example:
Running the application (both the server and frontend):
clone the repo, inside of boky-s_bookstore/ run "npm run dev" -> The port is set in app.js as port 2339 and inside of boky-s_bookstore/bookApp run "npm run dev" -> The port is set in bookApp\vite.config.js as 2337
access via localhost:port (Only the frontend)
Implement API Scraper (to download currently unavailable books) - code already exists Implement pagination dots at the bottom of the screen Search and Filter functions (to find the optimal way of balancing requests and saving data client side)