This is the front end code for KladiSe App
The front end code uses Angular as the JavaScript framework. Bower is used to manage packages and Grunt is the task runner which will take care of things like minification, testing, and reloading the browser.
Install bower and grunt (this requires node, npm, and git to be installed): npm install -g grunt-cli bower yo generator-karma generator-angular
Now run npm install (which installs everything in package.json), bower install (which installs everything in bower.json), and grunt build (which runs a series of tasks to get ready for serving the app).
Finally you can run grunt serve which should open a browser to the app. (localhost:9000)
Running grunt test
will run the unit tests with karma.
Run 'grunt docs' and docs apps will be running under port 9002.
Run 'grunt build' and then copy the content from 'dist' folder into your root folder.