» Simple and effective style.
» Easy to configure.
» Optimized.
» Auto installable. (On Arch (based distros))
You have to install yay before all. Because some of the dependecies is not in offical repistories.
To install yay:
sudo pacman -Sy --needed git base-devel
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git
cd yay
makepgk -si
After you installed yay. Run this command:
pacman -Sy --needed curl
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BinaryHarbinger/Dotfiles/refs/heads/main/install.sh | bash
If you get errors during and after installation try to enable multilib repistory from Arch Linux
» You have to install all the dependecies from your package manager.
» Copy all the directories (except preview) to your .config folder
- SUPER + M: Exit Hyprland
- SUPER + V: Toggle floating mode for the active window
- SUPER + C: Close (kill) the active window
- ALT + F4: Close (kill) the active window (alternative)
- SUPER + P: Toggle pseudo-tile layout (Dwindle mode)
- SUPER + J: Toggle split mode (Dwindle mode)
- SUPER + F: Toggle fullscreen mode for the active window
- SUPER + X: Open clipboard
- SUPER + N: Launch swaync-client in system tray mode
- SUPER + T: Open terminal (Alacritty)
- SUPER + Q: Open application menu (rofi submenu)
- SUPER + E: Open file manager (thunar)
- SUPER + B: Open web browser with a blank page (xdg-open)
- SUPER + L: Session options (Wlogout)
- SUPER + O: Color Picker (alternative with wlogout)
- SUPER + W: Launch or close waybar
- SUPER + H: Launch help menu
- SUPER + PRINT: Take a screenshot (hyprshot-gui)
- SUPER + S: Open application menu (rofi dmenu)
- SUPER + R: Open application menu (rofi run)
- SUPER + Q: Open quick menu (rofi)
- SUPER + X: Open clipboard (rofi)
- SUPER + L: Open system menu (rofi)
- SUPER + L: Launch Emoji Picker (rofimoji)
- SUPER + TAB: Switch between applications (Hyprswitch)
The function keys on keyboard will work =)
- SUPER + LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN: Move window focus in the specified direction
- SUPER + SHIFT + 1-0: Move the active window to the corresponding workspace (1-10)
- SUPER + ALT + TAB: Switch to the next workspace
- SUPER + 1-9, 0: Switch to the corresponding workspace (1-10)
- SUPER + MOUSE_UP: Scroll up through existing workspaces
- SUPER + MOUSE_DOWN: Scroll down through existing workspaces