Ogar unlimited - More features such as Skins,Skinshortcuts,GameModes, OP, Commands, Anti-Bot Measures,minions,Live Console and more!
A fully functional open source Agar.io server implementation, written in Node.js. Ogar Unlimited is designed to be used with the latest Agar.io client. THIS IS A FORK OF THE ORIGINAL OGAR BUT THIS HAS MORE FEATURES, also, I borrowed from other forks: Kickbots, merge (edited by me), killrange(edited by me), kickrange(edited by me) commands and the nocollision game modes. Every other Extra feature I created.
This Modified copy was created to help those who want to open their server to the public. I will add more features like remote control similar to pocket dock console in pocketmine (maybe) im also probably going to add more commands and I will also add more things in OP. I am currently working on better Agar.io Physics. I will try to make the physics very much like the Official Agar.io physics
(Sorry but all client clones of agar.io are ILLEGAL, thus we are not making those. You must use agar.io/?ip=[ip]
(You can see all new features added [here] (https://github.com/AJS-development/Ogar-unlimited/blob/master/Newfeatures.md))
- PMSG command, to periodically send a message (no need for admin to be online to explain rules)
- OP , to do stuff in game WITHOUT a illegal clone client, see below
- MSG, FMSG commands
- Max IP Connections
- Troll command ;)
- More GameModes
- Ban, Unban, Ban List (with revolutionary ban technique, no lag, no DDoS attacks)
- Autoban option (see gameserver.ini)
- More control (gameserver.ini)
- and other features such as merge or nojoin or kick/killrange
- Better physics (ejected mass and split and virus)
- Colortext command (Changes console output color and style)
- Live Console (see gameserver.ini, where a live console appears) NOTE: this is way different that Ogarserv's Console
- Restart. Make it restart automatically or restart manually, Only works if use windows start script
- skins, to use custom skins, do and then your name. for example
<spy> lol
will give you spy skin with name of lol use[website]
to use a custom skin from a website (you need to use a url shortener though) - customskins (see custom skins)
- Minions: you can turn your server bots into minions. press q to enter minion control mode (a b will appear next to your name). w = eject, space = split. press q again to exit
(You can see all new features added [here] (https://github.com/AJS-development/Ogar-unlimited/blob/master/Newfeatures.md))
Please note that this is updated very frequently and you should check for updates every week. I may add an auto update system but I probably won't (because I don't think it is the right thing to do, updating without your consent) Also you may copy this and modify it without giving me credit, just please make it better, that is all I care. Another note is that I am sometimes terrible in my grammar (I still cannot spell potato out loud). If there is an issue, please notify me. If there is something you want in this, just make a pull request.
The official website for the Ogar Project is ogarproject.com. You can register on the forums to chat with other Ogar users, get support, advertise your server, and more.
If you've purchased a copy of Ogar, you've probably been SERIOUSLY ripped off. This post on our website explains why.
You use minions by first adding bots with the addbot command. Then in console, you do minion [id]
to turn your bots into your minions the id field is your id. Then, they will start following your mouse. You can control those minions by useing the q key. If you press it, a B will appear next to your name. then controls will be normal except now ejecting and splitting will happen on your minions not you. you can reenter normal control mode by pressing q again. You can disable minions by doing minion
in console
You use OP by first setting who has op by doing op [id] in console. Then, that player can use the op features in game by pressing q. Then a c will appear next to your name. If you press w in this state, it gives you 100 more mass. If you press space in this state, you will be able to rejoin instantly. You will find out that if you press q again, two c's will appear next to your name. if you press w in this state, you shoot viruses. If you press space in this state, you shoot tiny things (almost invisible) that if someone eats, their mass is reduced by 100. Then, if you press q again,3 c's will appear.press w with 3c's, you shoot a virus, but whoever who eats it will be trolled :). If you press space with 3 c's the person who eats the virus will explode.If you press q again, 4 cs will appear and if you press w, you will shoot a virus tha kills people and space, it shoots a kick virus. You can then exit op by pressing q again after doing an action or by pressing Q until the three c's will dissappear (so that you can normally split and shoot mass).
- Note: names (CC's) dont work when player name is blank and it doesnt work on Virus and Leap gamemodes
You can use custom skins by putting them in customskins.txt
the format is [shortcut] [skin]
for the skin field, to use a URL skin, you do :http://url
To use that skin in game simply do <skinsshortuct>
and then your name,
You can see a more detailed guide on the [wiki] (https://github.com/AJS-development/Ogar-unlimited/wiki/Skins-and-skin-shortcuts)
As Ogar Unlimited is written in Node.js, you must have Node.js and its "ws", and "request" module installed to use it (unless you are using the Windows binary). You can usually download Node using your distribution's package manager (for *nix-like systems), or from the Node website. To install the "ws" and "request" module that is required, open up your system command line (cmd for windows, terminal for mac) and type "npm install ws" and do "npm install request". To see a detailed guide go to the [Installation guide] (https://github.com/AJS-development/Ogar-unlimited/wiki/Installation) in the wiki
(You can install and use Ogar unlimited on windows very quickly. First click InstallWebSocket.bat
in src. Then wait (it takes a while), then click Start.bat
and you're off! The next time you start the server, you only have to click Start.bat
(Binarys are also available in Releases)
Currently, Ogar listens on the following addresses and ports:
- *:88 - for the stats server (I would use it to track servers)
- *:443 - for the game server
Please note that on some systems, you may have to run the process as root or otherwise elevate your privileges to allow the process to listen on the needed ports. If you are getting an EADDRINUSE error, it means that the port required to run Ogar is being used. Usually, Skype is the culprit. To solve this, either close out skype, or change the serverPort value in gameserver.ini to a different port. You will have to change your connection ip to ""
Once the game server is running, you can connect (locally) by typing agar.io/?ip=
into your browser's address bar.
Use "gameserver.ini" to modify Ogar's configurations field. Player bots are currently basic and for testing purposes. To use them, change "serverBots" to a value higher than zero in the configuration file. To add/remove bot names, edit the file named "botnames.txt" which is in the same folder as "gameserver.ini". Names should be separated by using the enter key.
Ogar has support for custom game modes. To switch between game modes, change the value of "serverGamemode" in the configurations file to the selected game mode id and restart the server. The current supported game modes are:
Id | Name |
0 | Free For All |
1 | Teams |
2 | Experimental (As of 6/13/15) |
8 | Experimental v2 |
3 | Timed FFA |
4 | Virus Off (no virus's) |
7 | Shrinking FFA, Shrinks the game as time passes |
10 | Tournament |
11 | Hunger Games |
12 | Zombie Mode |
13 | Team Z |
14 | Team X |
20 | Rainbow FFA - Hint: Use with "setAcid(true)" ( Use this in your Google Console) |
5 | UnlimitPVP - where you split can split indefinitly and rejoin instantly - 1v1 game (created by me) |
6 | UnlimitFFA - same as above (unlimited pvp) except in ffa (created by me) |
15 | NoCollision Teams |
16 | NoCollision TeamZ |
17 | NoCollision TeamX |
18 | Leap - Where you leap instead of split, made by Ogarplus |
19 | Virus - Where you shoot viruses |
22 | BlackHole |
The current available console commands are listed here. Command names are not case sensitive, but player names are.
- Help
- Shows List Of Commands
- Ophelp
- Shows how to use OP
- Announce
- Starts the high score announce feature
- Minion [id]
- Turns your server bots into your minions. to turn off, leave id empty
- Update
- gets current version of ogar unlimited and replaces the old with the new
- Changelog [page]
- Gets changelog from the servers
- Explode [id]
- explodes player
- Split [ID] [Count]
- Splits a player
- Shrink [amount]
- Shrinks the game (amount is optional)
- Enlarge [amount]
- Enlarges the game (amount is optional)
- Colortext [color]
- Changes console Color and Style (blue, green,red,yellow,bold,reset,dim,white, help)
- Team [id] [team (r,g,b)]
- Changes a players Team (you might have to split to see the changes though)
- Resetvirus
- Turns special viruses (from OP's) into normal ones
- whitelist [IP]
- whitelists an IP
- Unwhitelist [IP]
- Unwhitelists an IP
- whitelist
- Lists whitelist
- Clearban
- Clears ban list
- Ban [IP]
- Bans an IP and sends a MSG
- Unban [IP]
- Unbans an IP
- Rainbow [id]
- gives player rainbow effect
- Kickbots [number]
- Kicks a number of bots (leave field blank and it will kick all bots)
- Killbots [number]
- Kills a number of bots (leave field blank and it will kick all bots)
- Restart [minutes]
- Restarts the server after a number of minutes or if you leave min blank, restarts immediatly
- Banlist
- Lists banned IPs
- Clearban
- Clears ban list
- Op [ID]
- Makes player OP
- Dop [ID]
- De-OPs a player
- Rop
- Resets op
- Pfmsg [delay] [duration] [x to repeat] [msg1] [msg2] [etc...]
- Periodically sends a force message (seconds)
- Spfmsg []
- stops pfmsg
- Pmsg [delay] [duration] [x to repeat] [msg1] [msg2] [etc...]
- Periodically sends a message (seconds)
- Spmsg []
- stops pmsg
- Troll [id]
- You figure out this one, Its a suprise!
- Fmsg [message 1] [message 2] [etc...]
- Forces players to read a message, This is done by changeing leaderboard to msg, freezing players, and change their name temporarily
- Msg [message1] [message2] [etc...]
- Changes the leaderboard to a message for a short time
- kick/killrange [Start] [End]
- Kicks/kills in a range (eg: killrange 1 10 will kill players whos ids are between them)
- Nojoin [id]
- Makes person unable to join
- Merge [id]
- forces user to merge
- Addbot [Number]
- Adds [Number] of bots to the server. If an amount is not specified, 1 bot will be added.
- Board [String 1] [String 2] [String 3] ...
- Replaces the text on the leaderboard with the string text.
- Boardreset
- Resets the leaderboard to display the proper data for the current gamemode
- Change [Config setting] [Value]
- Changes a config setting to a value. Ex. "change serverMaxConnections 32" will change the variable serverMaxConnections to 32. Note that some config values (Like serverGamemode) are parsed before the server starts so changing them mid game will have no effect.
- Clear
- Clears the console output
- Color [Player ID] [Red] [Green] [Blue]
- Replaces the color of the specified player with this color.
- Exit
- Closes the server.
- Food [X position] [Y position] [Mass]
- Spawns a food cell at those coordinates. If a mass value is not specified, then the server will default to "foodStartMass" in the config.
- Gamemode [Id]
- Changes the gamemode of the server. Warning - This can cause problems.
- Kick [Player ID]
- Kicks the specified player or bot from the server.
- Kill [Player ID]
- Kills all cells belonging to the specified player.
- Killall
- Kills all player cells on the map.
- Mass [Player ID] [Number]
- Sets the mass of all cells belonging to the specified player to [Number].
- Name [Player ID] [New Name]
- Changes the name of the player with the specified id with [New Name].
- Playerlist
- Shows a list of connected players, their IP, player ID, the amount of cells they have, total mass, and their position.
- Pause
- Pauses/Unpauses the game.
- Reload
- Reloads the config file used by the server. However, the following values are not affected: serverPort, serverGamemode, serverBots, serverStatsPort, serverStatsUpdate.
- Status
- Shows the amount of players currently connected, time elapsed, memory usage (memory used/memory allocated), and the current gamemode.
- Tp [Player ID] [X position] [Y position]
- Teleports the specified player to the specified coordinates.
- Virus [X position] [Y position] [Mass]
- Spawns a virus cell at those coordinates. If a mass value is not specified, then the server will default to "virusStartMass" in the config.
Just make a pull request or make your own copy
- No-Lag antibot measures
- OP