Interaction.DJS is a simple and lightweight wrapper for discord.js's interaction system.
import InteractionEventHandler, { CommandInteractionManager } from 'interaction-djs';
import { Client } from 'discord.js';
const bot = new Client({
intents: [],
const evtHandler = new InteractionEventHandler(); // create the event handler
const cmdManager = new CommandInteractionManager(bot); // create a manager for command interactions
evtHandler.hook(bot); // connect handler to bot
evtHandler.use(cmdManager); // use the command interaction manager
const { CommandInteractionManager } = require('interaction-djs');
const InteractionEventHandler = require('interaction-djs').default;
const { Client } = require('discord.js');
const bot = new Client({
intents: [],
// Main file, index
const evtHandler = new InteractionEventHandler(); // create the event handler
const cmdManager = new CommandInteractionManager(bot); // create a manager for command interactions
evtHandler.hook(bot); // connect handler to bot
evtHandler.use(cmdManager); // use the command interaction manager
Implement a new type of interaction using the handler api
NOTE: When implementing custom interaction functionality, please compile to ES2015 Classes and above
Implementation with CommandInteractions
import { CommandInteraction, Snowflake } from 'discord.js';
import { BaseInteractionManager } from 'interaction-djs';
import CommandInteractionHandler from './CommandInteractionHandler';
// CommandInteractionManager.ts
export default class CommandInteractionManager extends BaseInteractionManager<
CommandInteraction, // the type of interaction you are implementing
CommandInteractionHandler, // the handler class
string // the type, usually omitted, for the unique id; default is string
> {
constructor() {
protected getInteractionId(interaction: CommandInteraction): Snowflake {
return interaction.commandName; // unique ID, in this case, the command name
protected callInteraction(interaction: CommandInteraction): void {
this.getInteractionHandler(interaction).run(interaction); // get the interaction handler for the interaction by the id and call run() on it
import { ChatInputApplicationCommandData, CommandInteraction } from 'discord.js';
import { BaseInteractionHandler, BaseInteractionHandlerOptions } from 'interaction-djs';
// CommandInteractionHandler.ts
export interface CommandInteractionHandlerOptions
extends BaseInteractionHandlerOptions, // base options are currently nothing, but extend in case options are added
ChatInputApplicationCommandData {}
export default abstract class CommandInteractionHandler extends BaseInteractionHandler {
constructor(private commandOptions: CommandInteractionHandlerOptions) {
super(commandOptions); // pass command options into super
public abstract run(interaction: CommandInteraction): void; // run function to be implemented by more implementing classes
import InteractionEventHandler from 'interaction-djs';
import { Client } from 'discord.js';
import CommandInteractionManager from './CommandInteractionManager';
// index.ts
const bot = new Client({
intents: [],
const evtHandler = new InteractionEventHandler(); // create the event handler
const cmdManager = new CommandInteractionManager(); // create a manager for command interactions
evtHandler.hook(bot); // connect handler to bot
evtHandler.use(cmdManager); // use the command interaction manager
import { CommandInteraction, MessageActionRow, MessageButton } from 'discord.js';
import { CommandInteractionHandler, CommandInteractionManager } from 'interaction-djs';
// testcommand.ts
export default class TestCommand extends CommandInteractionHandler {
constructor(manager?: CommandInteractionManager) {
name: 'test',
description: 'test',
manager, // pass in the manager if applicable
override async run(interaction: CommandInteraction): Promise<void> {
// put code here
interaction.reply({ content: 'Test succeeded!' });
import { Client } from 'discord.js';
import InteractionEventHandler, { CommandInteractionManager } from 'interaction-djs';
import TestCommand from './testcommand';
// index.ts
const bot = new Client({ intents: [] });
const evtHandler = new InteractionEventHandler();
const cmdManager = new CommandInteractionManager(bot);
const testCommand = new TestCommand();
cmdManager.registerInteractionHandler(, testCommand); // registers the command
// Alternatively, you could do:
// new TestCommand(cmdManager);
bot.on('ready', async () => {
cmdManager.refreshCommands(); // this refreshes the commands globally. It may take up to an hour to show in all servers
// You could also refresh with a guild ID parameter to refresh it in a guild instantly