To get live data send get request to domain/live/sensorname f.e. ( To update sensor data send put or patch request to domain/live/sensorname f.e. ( To Add a new live sensor send post request with id, title and value to domain/live f.e (
To post data send post request to domain/sensorname f.e. ( To get all saved sensor data send get request to domain/sensorname f.e. ( To delete a post send delete request to domain/sensorname/postid f.e. ( To update a post send put or patch request to domain/sensorname/postid f.e. (
Create a new route and model with a clear, sensor related name. Copy another model and change or add whatever is necesarry. Then copy a route and change or add whatever is necesarry.
Test thoroughly on local machine before pushing to the production (heroku connected) git!!
{ "title": "(description)" "ppm": "" }
{ "title": "(description)" "ppl_count": "" }
{ "_id": "Sensorname" "title": "(description)" "value": "(f.e ppm, ppl_count)" }