version |
alpha/1.1 |
This project implements some simple paywalled functionality. For the BOB meetup, the main use case is donations. With lightning, microdonations of less than a cent are possible. Besides donations, users can create and fill out surveys; and shop at a store. The backend supports paying to store a blob at a daily rate, but it is not implemented in the UI yet.
- Users are opaque to the server.
- Clients can connect many servers, if they want to do the bookkeeping.
The software consists of a Haskell back end and a vanilla HTML/JS/CSS front end. After cloning the repo, invoke
$ cabal v2-build
$ cabal v2-exec bob-services-exe
and you will see a very terse summary of the configuration options. The program is meant to run with an instance of LND and makes calls to its REST api.