Welcome to the repository for our developer series! We have a Keybase channel: bob_chicago #workshops
- 2018-04-18 Adding BTC payments to your T-shirt store 1 (video)
- 2018-06-28 Integrating with the lightning network (video)
- 2018-09-26 Deep dive into BlockStack feat. @kantai (video, slides)
- 2018-11-08 Intro to Monero feat. @SarangNoether (video)
- 2019-02-06 BTCPay Server @rockstardev
- 2019-03-24 MimbleWimble and Liquid @GambolingPangolin
The point of this code is to learn how to manipulate cryptoassets and their related data structures. None of the code should be considered stable, reliable, or safe unless explicitly marked as such.
@aantonop dropped by to provide expert commentary and refine @GambolingPangolin's crude development attempts ↩