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Installing SourceIRC

Alfie Day edited this page Dec 18, 2015 · 1 revision

Installing SourceIRC is very simple and should only take around 10 minutes. So here is a step by step guide to installing SourceIRC on your server!

  1. SourceIRC depends on the Sockets (>= 3.0.1) extension, so you'll need to download it from here you probably want the latest version linked at the top of the page. To install it you just extract it to your game directory
  2. Download SourceIRC
  3. Extract SourceIRC to your game directory.
  4. Open gamedir/addons/sourcemod/configs/sourceirc.cfg in your text favorite text editor (notepad will do) Change the server, nickname, and #yourchannel settings accordingly.
  5. Restart your server, or load everything in gamedir/addons/sourcemod/plugins/SourceIRC with sm plugins load, it doesn't matter what order you load them.

Your done! SourceIRC should now connect to the irc server using the connection information you provided in SourceIRC.cfg Next you'll probably want to learn how to use SourceIRC, so check out the using SourceIRC page.

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