This little tool helps me converting .svg images to .png.
Developing with the Lazarus IDE I need icons in png-format. I like to create them with InkScape. Its a little bit annoying to export .svg images to .png in different sizes.
This tool lets me just drag some .svg-images from the Windows explorer onto the apps main window. It automatically saves them in a subfolder called img32, when I entered 32 as a size. You can enter multiple sizes, i.e. 20,32,48 to let SVGToPNG-Converter create multiple files.
I recommend to copy the .exe to the Lazarus-Folder and to create tools entry in the IDE.
#Dependencies The source depends on BGRABitmap as a part of Lazarus. This library renders the SVG image.
(c) 2024 Jan-Erich Schirrmacher, [email protected]
Feel free to use it in private or commercial environment. No warrantee for anything. Some things you are NOT allowed:
- change the copyright
- claim it as your work
- sell it without giving me the whole money