Welcome to WhiteV Order, a flower ordering website for my high school. On White Valentine's Day (March 14) each year, student government staff would deliver flowers that students have ordered beforehand via paper. This platform was developed so students could place orders online and student government staff could process orders more easily.
To access my deployed website, visit WhiteV Order. To access admin features, use username asbwhitev and password vetihwbsa. To run the source code, you will need to have a mongoDB account, replacing "username:password" at line 34 of app.js with your own credentials. To run it locally, you will need to configure a local server by modifying the "app.listen" command at line 87 of app.js.
Feel free to use any of my code or suggest any issues. The website is not actually in use at the moment, but hopefully it will find an application some day.
Languages/tools used: HTML, CSS, JS, Node.js, Express, Passport, MongoDB, Heroku, Bootstrap.