Is built using JavaScript, Html, Css, faker, Webpack.
Steps to start.
npm install.
npm start.
dev server is initialized on port 8082. ModuleFedrationPlugin exposes "./src/bootstrap" through cart's remoteEntry.js file. faker is declaired as singleton shared module, and in container if one or more subApps are using same module then only one instance will be loaded.
If cart subApp is run independently, then this mocked context will be used to enable functionalities on local.
Is dynamically importing bootstrap.js to allow webpack's ModuleFedrationPlugin to request dependencies asynchronously.
mount function is exposed to opther repos through ModuleFedrationPlugin. mount function accepts element and globalContext as arguments. If cart sub app is built independently then it calls mount function using element and mockContext.
if Cart SubApp is run independently, output will be as below