One thing that you learn in a scientific enviroment is that you have to produce several demos to woo students and funding agencies. This repository contains several pieces of code that are or were being used in demos that I produced. It represents a fruitless effort to organize the code and simplifed the task of deploying demos.
We have some examples using two IoT boards NodeMCU ESP-12E (ESP8622) and NodeMCU 32s (ESP32). The list of peripherals/sensors used is the following:
- Simple LEDs
- DHT22 (Temperature and Humidity)
- BME280 (Temperature, Humidity and Atmospheric Pressure)
- BH1750 (Light)
- SSD1306 (OLED 128x64 display)
For more information about these samples, click here.
Some web pages that connect to the WSGW through WebSockets and subscribe data from specific sensors.
For more information about these samples, click here.
- Mário Antunes - mariolpantunes
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.