A lightweight implementation of Classic Tetris
Clone the repository and run bin/index.html in a web browser, or play here.
- new: KeyN
- quit: KeyQ
- pause: KeyP
- left: ArrowLeft
- right: ArrowRight
- down: ArrownDown
- drop: Space
- rotate right: ArrowUp
- rotate left: KeyZ
Pieces are represented by 16-bit integers. Each piece has 4 rotations.
Tetris.prototype.SHAPES = [
[0x00F0, 0x2222, 0x00F0, 0x2222], // shape-I
[0x0E20, 0x44C0, 0x8E00, 0x6440], // shape-J
[0x0E80, 0xC440, 0x2E00, 0x4460], // shape-L
[0x0E40, 0x4C40, 0x4E00, 0x4640], // shape-T
[0x06C0, 0x4620, 0x06C0, 0x4620], // shape-S
[0x0C60, 0x2640, 0x0C60, 0x2640], // shape-Z
[0x0660, 0x0660, 0x0660, 0x0660] // shape-O
Pieces are bound by a 4x4 frame of reference. Below is the zeroth rotation, rIdx = 0
, of shape-T.
* 0000
* 1110
* 0100 Tetris.prototype.SHAPES[3][0] = 0x0E40
* 0000
The board is represented as an array of 16-bit integers. The default play zone is 20 lines. The spawn zone and bottom wall are 4 lines each. This equates to a default board array length of 28. The play zone and game zone are 10 bits wide and are surrounded by 1 bit of wall on each side.
var board = Tetris.prototype.buildBoard(20);
board.length == 28 // true
board[0] == 2049 // true
board[27] == 4095 // true
* 0000100000000001 // board[0]
* 0000100000000001
* 0000100000000001
* 0000100000000001
* ...
* 0000111111111111 // board[27]
and j
describe the position of a piece relative to the board. It is the relative coordinate of the left-most bit on row 1 of the piece's frame of reference. i = 0
is the 16th bit of a board row. All pieces spawn at i = 8, j = 0
Collision detection is a bit-wise &
between the board and piece rows.
var frame = 0x0E40; // rIdx = 0 of shape-T
if(((0xF000 & frame ) >>> i ) & board[j]) // row 1
return false;
if((((0x0F00 & frame) << 4) >>> i) & board[j+1]) // row 2
return false;
if((((0x00F0 & frame) << 8) >>> i) & board[j+2]) // row 3
return false;
if((((0x000F & frame) << 12) >>> i) & board[j+3]) // row 4
return false;
return true;
Commiting a piece to the board is a bit-wise |
between the board and piece rows.
var mask = 0xF000;
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
board[piece.j+j] |= (((mask&piece.rotations[piece.rIdx])<<(4*j))>>>piece.i);
mask >>>= 4;
Checking if a row is filled or empty is simple.
if (board[j] == 4095) // filled
if (board[j] == 2049) // empty
Game graphics are represented by 3 canvas
layers. To eliminate unecesary painting, only the layer that has changed is re-rendered.
- layer 1: board and grid lines
- layer 2: active piece
- layer 3: frozen pieces and next piece
Pieces are made "fair" by drawing from a grab-bag. This guarantees that every piece will be drawn at least once every 7 times (assuming piece frequency is set to 1). By default, piece frequency is set to 2, but it can be adjusted in the configuration. See RandomSack
for implementation details.
- CPU: i5 6200U 2.3 GHz
- RAM: 16 GB
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04
- Browser: Chromium v58.0.3029.110 (64-bit)
- Test duration: ~ 60s
- menu screen
- local storage
- music
- mobile support
- color themes