Top » How to setup JSX transpiler
jsx-slack can use without transpiler by using jsxslack
template literal tag, but we strongly recommend to set up JSX in the transpiler because you'll get better developer experience in IDE (e.g. Auto completion, static error check, etc...)
- Babel
- TypeScript
- Deno (Slack CLI)
You can use @babel/preset-react
preset (or @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx
plugin) to transpile JSX.
// babel.config.js
module.exports = (api) => ({
presets: [
runtime: 'automatic',
importSource: 'jsx-slack',
development: api.env('development'),
// main.jsx
const { Blocks, Section } = require('jsx-slack')
<p>Hello, world!</p>
If you have already set up JSX transpiler for React, you can also use comment pragma to switch the transformation way per JSX file.
/** @jsxImportSource jsx-slack */
runtime: 'automatic'
cannot use if you're using Babel <= 7.8. You have to consider using the classic runtime.
How to use the classic runtime... 👉
// babel.config.js
module.exports = (api) => ({
presets: [
runtime: 'classic',
pragma: 'JSXSlack.h',
pragmaFrag: 'JSXSlack.Fragment',
development: api.env('development'),
You should always import JSXSlack
from jsx-slack
in every JSX.
// main.jsx
const { JSXSlack, Blocks, Section } = require('jsx-slack')
<p>Hello, world!</p>
/** @jsx JSXSlack.h **/
/** @jsxFrag JSXSlack.Fragment **/
const { JSXSlack } = require('jsx-slack')
JSX (TSX) transpile in TypeScript can be used in some of different ways.
// main.tsx
/** @jsxImportSource jsx-slack */
import { Blocks, Section } from 'jsx-slack'
<p>Hello, world!</p>
Or you can instruct to use jsx-slack in all TSX files by setting up tsconfig.json
// tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"jsx": "react-jsx", // or "react-jsxdev" for development
"jsxImportSource": "jsx-slack",
// ...
If your using build tool has not yet supported TypeScript react-jsx
mode, try using a classic react
How to transpile JSX with classic way in TypeScript... 👉
You should always import JSXSlack
from jsx-slack
in every TSX files.
/** @jsx JSXSlack.h **/
/** @jsxFrag JSXSlack.Fragment **/
import { JSXSlack, Blocks, Section } from 'jsx-slack'
<p>Hello, world!</p>
Please note that jsxFrag
pragma is available only in TypeScript >= 4.0.
// tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"jsx": "react",
"jsxFactory": "JSXSlack.h",
// NOTE: jsxFragmentFactory is available only in TypeScript >= v4.0.
"jsxFragmentFactory": "JSXSlack.Fragment",
// ...
In TypeScript, we recommend to wrap JSX with JSXSlack()
when passing JSX to SDK for Slack API. It's a helper function to cast JSX into any
type, and you can deal with the mismatched JSX type against SDK.
import { WebClient } from '@slack/client'
import { JSXSlack, Blocks, Section } from 'jsx-slack'
const api = new WebClient(process.env.SLACK_TOKEN){
channel: 'C1234567890',
// Wrap in JSXSlack()!
blocks: JSXSlack(
<p>Hello, world!</p>
Deno (Slack CLI)
Importing jsx-slack from npm requires Deno v1.28 and later.
Deno uses TypeScript so the most parts are exactly same as described in TypeScript section. An important difference is using npm:jsx-slack@6
to import module.
Note Alternatively you also can import jsx-slack through CDN (
). Try ESM CDN if you are using old Deno version that has not supported npm.
// main.tsx
/** @jsxImportSource npm:jsx-slack@6 */
import { Blocks, Section } from 'npm:jsx-slack@6'
<p>Hello, world!</p>
// tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"jsx": "react-jsx",
"jsxImportSource": "npm:jsx-slack@6",
// ...
Setting up JSX transpilation with this spec requires Deno v1.16 and later. If you are using Deno v1.15 and former, you should set up JSX with a classic way.
How to transpile JSX with classic way in Deno... 👉
You should always import JSXSlack
in every TSX files.
/** @jsx JSXSlack.h **/
/** @jsxFrag JSXSlack.Fragment **/
import { JSXSlack, Blocks, Section } from ''
<p>Hello, world!</p>
// tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"jsx": "react",
"jsxFactory": "JSXSlack.h",
"jsxFragmentFactory": "JSXSlack.Fragment",
// ...
You also can define import maps for setting to resolve with the module name instead using full URL import.
"imports": {
"jsx-slack": "npm:jsx-slack@6",
"jsx-slack/jsx-runtime": "npm:jsx-slack@6/jsx-runtime",
"jsx-slack/jsx-dev-runtime": "npm:jsx-slack@6/jsx-dev-runtime"
Then you can use the comment pragma and import
statement as following. Your JSX/TSX source codes can make compatible with Node.js.
/** @jsxImportSource jsx-slack */
import { Blocks, Section } from 'jsx-slack'
In addition, the import maps is also helpful for using alternative ESM CDN. See the Deno manual for more details.
Example: Use Skypack CDN...
"imports": {
"jsx-slack": "",
"jsx-slack/jsx-runtime": "",
"jsx-slack/jsx-dev-runtime": ""