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894 lines (633 loc) · 44.2 KB

File metadata and controls

894 lines (633 loc) · 44.2 KB


Please consider donating or contributing if you're a fan of what we're doing and you'd like to support future releases!

[6.1.0] - 2023/12/02

Contains the following user-affecting changes:

  • 🟢 Added option to draw labels on top of all Polygons in a layer - #1707
  • (Released 'flutter_map_cancellable_tile_provider' v2.0.0)

Contains the following user-affecting bug fixes:

  • Removed flutter_map text attribution when RichAttributionWidget.showFlutterMapAttribution is false - #1712
  • Repaired TileLayer.tileBounds - #1713 for #1710
  • Added doubleTapDragZoom and scrollWheelZoom to InteractiveFlag.all - #1726 for #1725
  • Repaired correct movement for CircleLayer when panning - #1735
  • Improved value distribution for MapPosition.hashCode - #1747

Contains the following user-affecting performance improvements:

  • Optimized Bounds - #1706
  • Avoided creating a new list on every frame unnecessarily - #1708
  • Cull Polygon labels seperately (more strongly), and cache the TextPainter - #1716
  • Avoided caching a single commonly-used multiplication - #1743

Many thanks to these contributors (in no particular order):

  • @ignatz
  • @amal-stack
  • @Robbendebiene
  • ... and all the maintainers

And an additional special thanks to @ignatz for investing so much of their time into this project recently - we appreciate it!

In other news:

  • A warm welcome to @josxha, who's recently joined the maintainer team
  • We've also made some widespread minor improvmenents to the example application
  • Check out the new Showcase page on our docs for some awesome projects
  • We're working on some very exciting reworked features and performance improvements for v7 - keep an ear out by joining our Discord server

[6.0.1] - 2023/10/24

Contains the following user-affecting bug fixes:

  • Fixed CircleMarker's incorrect appearance and size - #1692 for #1688
  • Fixed LateInitializationError when specifying initialCameraFit - #1691 for #1684
  • Fixed incorrect behaviour issues caused by the adjusted default MapOptions.cameraConstraint - #1700 for #1682 & #1699
  • Fixed bug where not providing either wmsOptions nor urlTemplate caused a null exception in getTileUrl and when retinaMode is true - #1701
  • Re-exported 'positioned_tap_detector_2' library (with TapPosition) - #1694 for #1693

Many thanks to these contributors (in no particular order):

  • @Alexays
  • ... and all the maintainers

[6.0.0] - 2023/10/09


Contains the following user-affecting changes:

  • 🟢 Added new MapCamera object to reduce scope of MapController & re-implemented internal state management - #1551 with #1614
  • 🟢 Added support for rotation on desktop with cursor/pointer and keyboard trigger - #1592 & #1642 for #1568
  • 🟢 Added support for cancelling in-loading tiles to TileProviders & refactored methods - #1622
  • 🟢 Added support for allowing gestures to bubble down to all layers - #1615
  • 🟢 Added minZoom property to CameraFits - #1562
  • 🟢 Added InteractiveFlag.doubleTapDragZoom - #1603
  • 🟢 Added in-memory caching support for tiles loaded by NetworkTileProvider, to reduce tile loading times and reduce unnecessary tile server requests - #1629
  • 🟢 Added new options for rotation support to bounds fitting - #1550 for #1342
  • 🟢 Added new '{d}' 'dimension' placeholder to TileLayer.urlTemplate (via TileProvider.generateReplacementMap) to be filled with TileLayer.tileSize - #1665 for #1664
  • 🟡 Replaced interaction configurations from MapOptions with InteractionOptions (accessed from MapOptions) - #1551
  • 🟡 Replaced MapOptions. center, bounds, zoom, and rotation with initialCenter, initialCameraFit, initialZoom, and initialRotation - #1551
  • 🟡 Replaced MapOptions.maxBounds with MapOptions.cameraConstraint - #1551
  • 🟡 Replaced TileLayer.backgroundColor property with MapOptions.backgroundColor to simplify interaction when using multiple tile layers - #1578 & #1647 for #1577 & #1566
  • 🟡 Replaced FlutterMap.nonRotatedChildren with an inverse purpose (usually internal) MobileLayerTransformer - #1615
  • 🟡 Replaced Marker.anchor with Marker.alignment that uses built-in Alignment object - #1659
  • 🟡 Replaced Marker.builder with non-builder Marker.child - #1659
  • 🟡 Changed TileLayer.retinaMode behaviour - #1673 for #1670
  • 🟡 Changed some default arguments, including TileLayer.panBuffer and MapOptions.cameraConstraint - multiple PRs
  • 🔴 Removed CustomPoint in favour of extension methods on Point<T> - #1585 for #1522
  • 🔴 Removed MoveAndRotateResult in favour of a Record in format of ({bool moveSuccess, bool rotateSuccess}) - #1636
  • 🔴 Removed Anchor, AnchorPos, and all anchor related terminology - #1659
  • 🔴 Removed dedicated plugins API import - #1632

Contains the following user-affecting bug fixes:

  • Handled exceptions correctly in default image provider if no fallbackUrl is defined - #1555 for #1554
  • Ignored gestures on closed RichAnimationWidget when using FadeRAWA - #1591 for #1589
  • Avoided setting 'User-Agent' header in TileProvider when running on the web, to avoid polluting the debug console with error messages - #1677 for #1654
  • Fixed some Polygon edge-cases - #1598 & #1599
  • Fixed TileLayer.reset failing to load new tiles - #1620 for #1619
  • Fixed incorrect Marker anchoring when counter-rotating - #1623 for #1500
  • Fixed fitBounds failing to load new tiles - #1626 for #1563
  • Fixed maxNativeZoom apparently failing to have any effect - #1627 for #1625
  • Fixed hasGesture being false after double tap zoom in onPositionChanged callback - #1465 for #1630
  • Fixed failure to attempt tile requests with fallbackUrl when an exception is thrown whilst decodeing instead of during the network request - #1648 for #1649
  • Fixed potential issues with building RichAttributionWidget - #1661
  • Fixed TileLayer.fallbackUrl not being attempted when FlutterMapNetworkImageProvider failed to decode a non-image - part of #1662 for #1667
  • Fixed "PositionedTapDetector2" not correctly transforming global coords to local coords when the FlutterMap widget was Transformed - #1676 for #1675

Contains the following user-affecting performance improvements:

  • Created official plugin to reduce tile loading times when running on web, using #1622's infrastructure - flutter_map_cancellable_tile_provider
  • Improved Polygon performance when using labels, by increasing batching ability and label location calculations - #1607 & #1641
  • Improved CircleMarker performance, by using a single CustomPainter instance and more efficient draw calls - #1679
  • Improved internal code style and strictness - #1594
  • Added logging to warn of potential performance issues and recommend workarounds (such as 'flutter_map_cancellable_tile_provider') - #1632

In other news:

  • There's many new performance and cost-reducing improvments available (some may need some manual work to enable): please see the Highlights section on the Migrating To v6 docs page!
  • We now accept one-time donations! We're extremely grateful for anything you can spare. We'll donate 15% of what we receive to the OpenStreetMap Foundation, as a thanks for their excellent work. For more info, please see Support Us.
  • We're looking for sponsors and OSS projects that use FM significantly, and want to be advertised! For more info, please see Showcase.
  • We're on the hunt for maintainers to join the team! For more information, please see the application form.
  • OpenStreetMap Operations has warned us that users should move away from using subdomains with their tile servers, so please do! Appropriate warnings will now be logged in console should you fail to do this.

Many thanks to these contributors (in no particular order):

  • @jjoelson
  • @envomer
  • @rorystephenson
  • @Robbendebiene
  • @ignatz
  • @josxha
  • @lonelyteapot
  • @s6o
  • @bramp
  • @Alexays
  • ... and all the maintainers

And an additional special thanks to @rorystephenson for investing so much of their time into this project recently - we appreciate it!

[5.0.0] - 2023/06/04

"Dart The Third"

Contains the following API changes:

  • Migrated to Flutter 3.10 and Dart 3.0 minimums - #1512 & #1517
  • Added offset capability to FlutterMapState.move/MapController.move methods - #1532 for #952
  • Added MapController.rotateAroundPoint method - #1532 for #1460
  • Added TileLayer.fallbackUrl support to FileTileProvider - #1532
  • Added more position options to AnchorAlign - #1532
  • Improved MarkerLayer/Layer interoperability - #1532
  • Improved response/emission time of onTap/MapEventTap when InteractiveFlag.doubleTapZoom is disabled - #1532
  • Improved (stricter) typing of CustomPoint - #1515
  • Deprecated TileUpdateTransformers.alwaysLoadAndPrune in favour of ignoreTapEvents - #1517
  • Deprecated AnchorAlign.none in favour of or null - #1532
  • Removed NetworkNoRetryTileProvider in favour of custom NetworkTileProvider.httpClient - #1512
  • Removed FileTileProvider fallback to NetworkTileProvider on web - #1512
  • Removed saveLayers property from PolylineLayer - #1532 & #1519
  • Updated dependencies - #1530
    • Updated 'latlong2' to access const LatLng objects
    • Updated 'http'
    • Removed 'tuple' in favour of built-in Records (#1517)

Contains the following bug fixes:

  • Polylines with translucent fills and borders now paint properly - #1519 for #1510 & #1420
  • Ensure id of MapController.move is passed through to the emitted MapEventMove - #1534 in #1532 for #1542
  • Fixed MacOS pinch zoom gesture issue - #1543 for part of #1354
  • Removed potential for jitter/frame delay when painting Polylines & Polygons - #1514
  • Removed potential for un-mounted setState call in RichAttributionWidget - #1532 for #1538

Contains the following performance improvements:

  • Reduced unnecessary rebuilding in environments where MediaQuery changes frequently - #1523
  • Use Flutter's default CachingAssetBundle in AssetTileProvider when TileLayer.fallbackUrl is not specified - #1532 for #1436
  • Improved performance of TileProviders and FlutterMapNetworkImageProvider - #1512

In other news:

  • You may have noticed some minor rebranding around the repo recently! The maintainers have finally gained full member access from the previous owner (thanks John :)) to the 'fleaflet' organisation and now have total control.
  • We've launched a Live Web Demo so you can experiment with flutter_map on the web without having to install any apps or build from source yourself! Visit
  • We've made some big changes to the structure/organization of flutter_map internals, which we hope should make it easier for new contributors to add code due to the reduction of the scope of responsibility of each source file.

Many thanks to these contributors (in no particular order):

  • @josxha
  • @ignatz
  • @rorystephenson
  • @tlserver
  • @JosefWN
  • ... and all the maintainers

And an additional special thanks to @josxha & @ignatz for investing so much of their time into this project recently - we appreciate it!

[4.0.0] - 2023/05/05

"Out With The Old, In With The New"

Contains the following improvements:

  • Reimplemented TileLayer and underlying systems - #1475
  • Reimplemented attribution layers - #1487 & #1390
  • Added secondary tap handling to MapOptions - #1448 for #1444
  • Refactored FlutterMapState's maybeOf method into maybeOf & of - #1495
  • Removed LatLngBounds.pad (unused and broken) method - #1427
  • Removed absorbPanEventsOnScrollables option - #1455 for #1454
  • Removed leftover deprecations - #1475
  • Improved rotation gestures (cause rotation about the gesture center) - #1437
  • Improved number (num/int/double) consistency internally - #1482
  • Minor example application improvements - #1440 & #1487

Contains the following bug fixes:

  • Prevented scrolling of list and simultaneous panning of map on some platforms - #1453
  • Improved LatLngBounds's null safety situation to improve stability - #1431
  • Migrated from multiple deprecated APIs - #1438

Contains the following performance and stability improvements:

  • Batched polygon and polyline rendering to minimize redraws and maximize their efficiency - #1442 & #1462
  • Added a threshold for rasterization to avoid excessive fixed overhead cost for cheap redraws - #1462

Many thanks to these contributors (in no particular order):

  • @rorystephenson
  • @augustweinbren
  • @ianthetechie
  • @pablojimpas
  • @tlserver
  • @Zzerr0r
  • @tobiasht
  • @ignatz
  • ... and all the maintainers

And an additional special thanks to @rorystephenson & @ignatz for investing so much of their time into this project recently - we appreciate it!

[3.1.0] - 2022/12/21

Contains the following additions/removals:

  • Added fallback URLs - #1348 for #1203
  • Added parameter to force integer zoom levels to FitBoundsOptions - #1367
  • Added Keys to Polygons, Polylines, and CircleMarkers - #1402 & #1403
  • Added Polyline parameter to treat width in meters - #1404
  • Added buffer feature to TileLayer to preload surrounding tiles - #1405 for #1337
  • Deprecated obsolete parameter - #1368

Contains the following bug fixes:

  • Improved tile handling to simplify internals - #1356
  • Improved performance by removing unnecessary casts - #1357
  • Fixed ESPG:3413 example - #1359
  • Fixed tile layer reset example - #1372
  • Fixed issue with MapController movement - #1374
  • Fixed flickering issue with fitBounds - #1376
  • Fixed fitBounds/bounds not working on first display - #1413
  • Fixed error when zooming - #1388

Many thanks to these contributors (in no particular order):

  • @JosefWN
  • @Robbendebiene
  • @urusai88
  • @LeonTenorio
  • ... and all the maintainers

[3.0.0] - 2022/09/04

"Boiler(plate) Repairs"

Contains the following additions/removals:

  • Multiple changes - #1333
    • Removed deprecated APIs from v2
    • Removed old layering system
    • Added new layering system
    • Removed old plugin registration system
  • Added Polygon label rotation (countered to the map rotation) - #1332

Contains the following bug fixes:

  • Fixed missing widget sizing to fix multiple issues - #1334
  • Forced CRS changes to rebuild children - #1322
  • Allowed map to absorb gesture events correctly within other scrollables - #1308
  • Improved performance by harnessing the full power of Flutter widgets - #1165, #958

In other news:

  • @MooNag & @TesteurManiak have joined the maintainer team!

Many thanks to these contributors (in no particular order):

  • @MooNag
  • @jetpeter
  • @Firefishy
  • ... and all the maintainers

[2.2.0] - 2022/08/02

Contains the following additions/removals:

  • Added RotatedOverlayImage which supports image rotation and skewing by specifying a 3rd point - #1315
  • Added latLngToScreenPoint and refactored pointToLatLng - #1330

Contains the following bug fixes:

  • Removed a particularly illusive null-safety bug - #1323

In other news:

  • Internal lints have been improved - #1319
  • GitHub Actions have been improved - #1323

Many thanks to these contributors (in no particular order):

  • @Robbendebiene
  • @lsaudon
  • ... and all the maintainers

[2.1.1] - 2022/07/25

Contains the following additions/removals:

  • None

Contains the following bug fixes:

  • Removed a particularly illusive null-safety bug - #1318

In other news:

  • None

Many thanks to these contributors (in no particular order):

  • sergioisair (tested changes over on Discord)
  • ... and all the maintainers

[2.1.0] - 2022/07/22

Contains the following additions/removals:

  • Added built in keep alive functionality - #1312
  • Added disposal of AnimationController before it is reassigned - #1303
  • Added better polar projection support and example - #1295
  • Added stroke cap and stroke join options to Polygons - #1295

Contains the following bug fixes:

  • Removed a class of LateInitializationErrors by reworking MapController lifecycle - #1293 for #1288
  • Improved performance during painting Polygons - #1295

In other news:

  • None

Many thanks to these contributors (in no particular order):

  • @Zverik
  • @rbellens
  • @JosefWN
  • ... and all the maintainers

[2.0.0] - 2022/07/11

"Blocked By OSM"

Contains the following additions/removals:

  • Added adjustable mouse wheel zoom speed - #1289
  • Multiple changes - #1294
    • Added advanced header support, including 'User-Agent'
    • Refactored TileProviders
    • Resolved multiple TODOs within codebase
    • Removed old deprecated code

Contains the following bug fixes:

  • Fixed unsymmetrical markers disappearing with unusually positioned anchors - #1291
  • Fixed potential for error 403s due to invalid/blocked 'User-Agent' header - #1294

In other news:

  • None

Many thanks to these contributors (in no particular order):

  • @mboe
  • @aytunch
  • @MichalTorma
  • ... and all the maintainers

[1.1.1] - 2022/06/25

Contains the following additions/removals:

  • None

Contains the following bug fixes:

  • None

In other news:

  • The new documentation website is now live at Visit it today to get much improved setup and usage instructions, and more!

Many thanks to these contributors (in no particular order):

[1.1.0] - 2022/06/16

Contains the following additions/removals:

  • Deprecated the existing attributionBuilder & added a new method of attribution through AttributionWidget - #1262 for #1040
  • Added more callbacks for pointer gestures - #1275

Contains the following bug fixes:

  • Fixed double click zoom gesture zooming to incorrect location - #1271 for #1265

In other news:

  • None

Many thanks to these contributors (in no particular order):

  • @pmjobin
  • ... and all the maintainers

[1.0.0] - 2022/06/07

Contains the following additions/removals:

  • Removed inappropriate null-aware checking from moveAndRotate - #1003
  • Removed unused dependencies from pubspec - #1237
  • Migrated to 'flutter_lints' from 'pedantic' - #1183
  • Made boolean values uppercase strings in WMS requests - #1132
  • Made pinch zoom use center of gesture for focus of zoom - #1081
  • Made scroll zoom use center of gesture for focus of zoom - #1191
  • Added stroke, cap, and join options to Polyline - #1077
  • Added option to use pixel cache and length check on Markers to avoid crash - #1147
  • Added MapEventScrollWheelZoom event when zooming using scroll wheel - #1182
  • Added isFilled parameter to Polygon - #501
  • Added example page for Polygons - #501
  • Added maxBounds parameter to MapOptions - #1211
  • Added tileBounds parameter to TileLayerOptions - #1212
  • Added saveLayers parameter to PolylineLayerOptions and PolylinePainter - #1219 (part of #1165) for #1217
  • Added centered labels to Polygon - #1220 based off #800
  • Added alternative Polygon label centering algorithm with an option - #1225
  • Added pointToLatLng method in MapController - #1115 for #496, #607, #981, #1010
  • Added stricter linting rules - #1238
  • Switched to semantic versioning (from 0.15.0 to 1.0.0)
  • Multiple plugin list changes
  • Multiple README changes

Contains the following bug fixes:

  • Fixed unusual behaviour by cancelling animations on MapController move events - #1043 for #946
  • Fixed ZoomButtonsPluginOption by checking minimum and maximum zoom properly - #1120
  • Fixed external bug by updating dependency on 'positioned_tap_detector_2' - #1047
  • Fixed equal operator types for Coords - #1113
  • Fixed LateInitializationError when using polylineCulling - #1110 for #1119, #1037, #974, #931
  • Fixed FileTileProvider on the web - #1170
  • Fixed Polygon dotted border drawing - #501
  • Fixed example application on Android - #1213
  • Fixed hairline cracks and flickering - #1169
  • Fixed EPSG4326 parameter - #1135
  • Fixed initial bounds in MapOptions - #1216
  • Fixed emission of move event when source is custom - #1232 for #1231
  • Fixed tile layer lag during flings/animations - #1247 (part of #1165) for #1245
  • Fixed/added Flutter 3 compatibility - #1236 for #1234

In other news:

  • Two more maintainers joined the team (@ibrierley & @JaffaKetchup)
  • A public Discord server was created - join via the README link
  • A new documentation website was started - take a peek via the README link

Many thanks to these contributors (in no particular order):

  • @JonIsAmazingYa
  • @Robbendebiene
  • @paolorotolo
  • @comatory
  • @chriscant
  • @calmh
  • @FaFre
  • @jithware
  • @stou
  • @Zzerr0r
  • @mo-ah-dawood
  • @a14n
  • @pmjobin
  • @BaptistePires
  • @Zverik
  • @yeleibo
  • @TesteurManiak
  • @sikandersaleem
  • @teuaguiar01
  • @beroso
  • @hschendel
  • @pablojimpas
  • @HugoHeneault
  • @rorystephenson
  • ... and all the maintainers

[0.14.0] - 6/7/2021

This version contains the following changes

  • Added scroll wheel zoom support for web
  • Added TapPosition to TapCallback
  • Added center to LatLngBounds
  • Added equality operators for LatLngBounds and MapPosition
  • Added support for resetting TileLayer cache
  • Added attribution builder to TileLayer
  • Added 'inside' parameter to FitBoundsOptions
  • Added centerZoomFitBounds to MapController
  • Added vector_map_tiles to plugin section in README
  • Added option to prevent Scrollable widgets from snatching horizontal scrolling gestures

Thanks to moehme, Tom Prebble, Binabh, ondbyte, Sébastien Dabet, Thomas Lüder, Kevin Thorne, kimlet, TheOneWithTheBraid, David Green and Kenneth Gulbrandsøy.

[0.13.1] - 6/7/2021

This version contains hotfixes from null safety migration.

[0.13.0] - 6/4/2021

This version has support for sound null safety. For this purpose, some inactive packages were exchanged with active forks.

  • Sound null safety migration (#851, #870)
    • requires flutter version 2.0.0 or higher
    • latlong is replaced with latlong2
    • ready-flag on map has been removed
  • Remove the package flutter_image and add http instead (#894)
    • http has to be version 0.13.2 or higher for this package (#894)
  • Removed deprecated properties
    • debug property has been removed
    • interactive has been replaced by interactiveFlags
  • Bounds getCenter has been replaced by center getter

Thanks to escamoteur, ThexXTURBOXx, Sata51, tazik561, kengu, passsy, Ahmed-gubara, johnpryan, josxha and andreandersson for this release!

[0.12.0] - 3/16/2021

TileLayerOptions now takes some additional options, templateFunction, tileBuilder, tilesContainerBuilder, and evictErrorTileStrategy

  • Evict error tiles (#577)
  • Post process tiles (#582)
  • Prevent crash when move() is called before FlutterMap has been built (#827)

Thanks to gr4yscale, maRci002, MooNag, tlserver, 6y

[0.11.0] - 01/29/2021

This version removes various tile providers that depend on plugins. This helps simplify the flutter_map release process. Tile providers can be implemented in your app or in a separate package.

  • remove mbtiles tile provider + sqlflite dependency (#787)
  • Add two finger rotation (#719)
  • add allowPanning property (#766)
  • reload map if additionalOptions changes (#740)

thanks to maRci002, escamoteur, and Xennis for this release!

[0.10.2] - 10/29/2020

  • added property allowPanning to MapOptions that allows to disable only panning while touch events are still triggered

[0.10.1+1] - 8/4/2020

  • fix possible issue with code published in previous version

[0.10.1] - 8/4/2020

  • Controller position stream (#505)
  • Fix gray tiles when tile image is already available (#715)
  • Key management (#695)
  • migrate to androidx (#697)

Thanks to @maRci002, @4F2E4A2E, and @porfirioribeiro

[0.10.0] - 7/7/2020

  • add package:meta dependency, set cached_network_image to 2.0.0
  • Support retina mode (#585)
  • Handle exception on move without internet connection (#600)
  • Fix TileLayer/Tiles not getting disposed correctly (#595)
  • Polyline culling (#611)
  • Remove mapbox from README (#651)
  • docs update (#655)
  • Fix #595 TileLayer not getting disposed correctly (#596)
  • Support subdomains on wms layer (#516)
  • Slide map along map boundaries (#430)
  • Add example of showing current location (#447)
  • Adding an explanation when a plugin has not been activated (#477)
  • Add icons & color params for zoombuttons (#544)
  • Fix Bug 545 stacked MBTileImageProvider (#546)
  • fix #608 Empty map fails when return to same route (#609)
  • fix Flickering bug - on double click / MapController move (#579)
  • fix/group-layer-rebuid: consuming rebuild stream in group layer (#663)
  • Fix #446: Polyline rendering on web (#662)
  • Initialize map widgets with bounds or center (#646)
  • Add flutter_map_marker_popup to plugins in (#603)
  • add lat lon grid plugin to readme (#601)
  • Handle exception on move without internet connection (#600)
  • Fix "" deprecation (#598)
  • Fix #595 TileLayer not getting disposed correctly (#596)
  • New Widget layers API (#619)

Thanks to @maRci002, @beerline, @saibotma, @kuhnroyal, @porfirioribeiro, @Lootwig, @raacker, @wpietri, @HugoHeneault, @felixjunghans, @hlin079g6, @eugenio165, @fusion44, @rorystephenson, @mat8854, @dpatrongomez, @ruizalexandre

[0.9.0] - 4/6/2020

  • Improve tile management (#572) - This is a huge improvement aligns tile rendering with Leaflet's behavior.
  • Wms Support (#500)
  • Update README for open street maps (#495)
  • Support custom CRS (#529)
  • Proj4dart update (#541)
  • Fix changelog (#511)
  • Fix multiple origins bouncing (#548)
  • Add android permissions instructions to README (#569)
  • Add an option for gapless playback on OverlayImage (#566)
  • Add flutter_map_tappable_polyline plugin to README (#563)
  • Move plugins to front of checks so they can override defaults (#555)
  • Support holed polygons (#526)

Big thanks to @maRci002 for this release! See pull request #572 for details.

Thanks to @marCi002, @bugDim88, @buggamer, @pumano, @fegyi001, @jpeiffer, @syonip, @pento, @tuarrep, and @ibrierley for this release!

[0.8.2] - 1/7/2020

  • Add polyline with gradient (#452)

Thanks to @SebWojd for this release!

[0.8.1] - 1/3/2020

  • Add ZoomButtonsPlugin (#487)

Thanks to @moovida for this release!

[0.8.0] - 12/16/2019

Added Flutter 1.12 support

  • Polygon Culling (#449)
  • fix marker anchor sample (#448, #427)
  • upgrade imageloader for Flutter 1.12 (#478)
  • Tidying up project files (#469)

Thanks to @raacker, @Varuni-Punchihewa, @wmcshane, @domesticmouse, and @kimlet for this release!

[0.7.3] - 10/3/2019

  • Update changelog (#408)
  • Readability improvements (#410)
  • add double-tap-hold zoom (#393)
  • Fix Unsupported Operation and add missing onTap and onLongPress methods (#436)
  • Fix error when unproject bottomLeft or topRight and lat are < -90 or > 90 or lng are < -180 or > 180
  • Fix/transparent polyline (#407)

Thanks to @yywwuing, @GregorySech, @avimak, @kengu, @lpongetti, and @2ZeroSix for this release!

[0.7.2] - 8/30/2019

  • expose TileProvider.getTileUrl (#401)

Thanks to @kengu for this release!

[0.7.1] - 8/28/2019

  • upgrade to cached_network_image ^1.1.0 (#358)
  • documentation (#400)
  • remove isUserGesture (#389)
  • fix initialization exception (#379)

Thanks to @escamoteur, @wmcschane, and @GregorySech for this release!

[0.7.0+2] - 7/31/2019

  • Fix OverlayImage with transparency (#382)

Thanks to @4kssoft for this release!

[0.7.0+1] - 7/30/2019

  • update MapState options when FlutterMap widget options change (#380)

[0.7.0] - 7/27/2019

  • compatability with flutter's stable and master channels
  • add scalebar (#356)
  • add rotation (#359)
  • fix OverlayLayer bug (#360)
  • fix rotation pan issue (#363, #365)

Thanks to @kimlet, @escamoteur, @4kssoft for this release!

[0.5.6] - 7/9/2019

  • fix compatibility with flutter 1.7.8 (stable) (#296)

Thanks to @MichalMisiaszek for the heads up and @slightfoot for help with upgrading (#296)!

[0.6.x] - 6/7/2019

  • temporary releases compatable with early flutter releases

[0.5.4] - 6/7/2019

  • fix markers on edge of screen disappearing (#313)
  • dart analysis fixes (#300)
  • add border circle (#299)
  • add dotted line to polygon (#295)
  • fix example esri page (#292)
  • add flutter_map_marker_cluster package to README (#309)

Note: 0.5.x releases are compatable with Flutter's stable channel, currently v1.5.4-hotfix.2 and 0.6.x releases (also on the flutter_map dev branch) is a version of flutter_map compatible with Flutter's dev channel

Thanks to @lpongetti @FalkF @Victor-emil @lsaudon and @lorenzo for this release!

[0.5.3] - 5/21/2019

  • update dependencies (#288)

[0.5.2] - 5/20/2019

  • fix zooming issue (#281)

[0.5.1] - 5/17/2019

  • add mbtiles
  • add formatting and linter rules
  • Fix null pointer in isOutOfBounds (#274)
  • add isUserGesture (#237)
  • fix emulator pinching error

Thanks to @avbk, @OrKoN, @pintomic, @wmcshane, @manhluong for this release!

[0.5.0] - 2/21/2019

  • add cached network image support (#204)
  • Use PositionedTapDetector only in interactive mode (#207)
  • Allow defining CircleMarkerRadius in meters (#213)
  • support for tms tile coordinates (#214)
  • add moving markers example
  • add long press gesture for markers (#229)
  • add patreon badge to README
  • rename Point to CustomPoint (#187)
  • remove layers property from MapOptions (#193)

Thanks to @SamuelRioTz, @jecoz, @4kssoft, @bugWebDeveloper, @RaimundWege, @vinicentus, and @etzuk for this release!

[0.4.0] - 12/31/2018

  • Zoom to focal point on double tap and scale gestures (#121)
  • Make anchor field public (#172)
  • FitBoundsOptions now uses EdgeInsets padding
  • Add GroupLayer
  • Update README

Thanks to @tomwyr, @csjames, @kengu, @ocularrhythm for this release!

[0.3.0] - 11/1/2018

  • PositionCallback now has hasGesture #139

Thanks to @gimox for this release!

[0.2.0] - 10/25/2018

  • Use NetworkImageWithRetry for tile layers (#145)
  • Add rebuild capability to LayerOptions (#144)
  • Added Circle layer (#137)
  • Prevent Map Layer Excessive Rebuilds (#131)

Thanks to @kengu, @mortenboye, and @tomwyr for this release!

[0.1.4] - 9/24/2018

  • Polygon Support (#118)

Thanks to @JulianBerger for this release!

[0.1.3] - 9/18/2018

  • fix identical map position callbacks (#111)
  • Prune tiles bug fix (#112)

Thanks to @IhorKlimov and @tomwyr for this release!

[0.1.2] - 8/21/2018

  • Added polyline customisation options (#94)
  • Expose map bounds (#99)
  • Added onTap example (#103)
  • route bugfix (#104)
  • options is now required (#105)
  • Project refactor and changes to offline map #85

Thanks to @LJaraCastillo, @ubilabs, @xqwzts, @vinicentus, and @lsaudon for this release!

[0.1.0] - 8/21/2018

  • Set Dart SDK to 2

[0.0.11] - 8/2/2018

  • upgrade to latlong from 0.4.0 to 0.5.3

[0.0.11] - 7/31/2018

  • fix LICENSE spelling error
  • double-tap to zoom (#62)
  • Fix polyline overlap issue (#67)
  • Offline map example (#53)

Thanks to contributors @alfanhui, @avioli, @solid-software, and @vinicentus for this release!

[0.0.10] - 6/7/2018

  • update .gitignore (#40)
  • Applied constraints to zoom on gesture update if min or max options set (#46)
  • Pan Boundary with 2 new MapOptions variables: swPanBoundary and nePanBoundary (#47)
  • OfflineMode bool variable added to TileLayerOptions for AssetImage Widget use (#48)
  • remove quiver dep (#32)

Thanks to contributors @avioli, @bcko, and @alfanhui for this release!

[0.0.9] - 5/31/2018

  • add LatlngBounds.contains, avoid rendering out-of-view markers in MarkerLayer

[0.0.8] - 5/31/2018

  • bug: rendering far-away tiles was causing a GPU crash on the simulator. add tile pruning to TileLayer

[0.0.7] - 5/29/2018

  • bug: TileLayer not listening to onMoved events from MapController

[0.0.6] - 5/11/2018

  • fitBounds, onPositionChanged (#39)

[0.0.5] - 3/11/2018

  • make tile background customizable (#36)
  • use transparent_image as placeholder image (#37)

[0.0.4] - 4/18/2018

  • Add marker anchor support (#27, #30)

[0.0.3] - 4/18/2018

  • fixed Dart 2.0 type errors (#23)
  • add MapController API (#24 + #25)

[0.0.2] - 2/21/2018

  • subdomain support
  • move gesture detection into map widget
  • improved tile layer support
  • improved examples
  • Polyline layers
  • fix marker redraw on map rotation

[0.0.1] - 2/5/2018

  • inital release