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Koong Kyungmi edited this page Dec 31, 2015 · 1 revision



For Managing memberships and ACL


User accounts

Column Key Null Type Length Description
user_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
email UQ VARCHAR 255 email address
password VARCHAR 255 password for login (SHA-256)
name VARCHAR 128 user name
company VARCHAR 128 Deprecated: Not used
telephone VARCHAR 32 Deprecated: Not used
department VARCHAR 128 Deprecated: Not used
url VARCHAR 255 Deprecated: Not used
location TEXT Deprecated: Not used
gravatar VARCHAR 255 gravatar account email address, Deprecated: Not used
act_key UQ VARCHAR 255 account activation key
status TINYINT 1 0=pending, 1=approved, 2=rejected, 3=password reset
type TINYINT 1 0=user, 1=admin
uid UQ INT UNSIGNED Deprecated: replace with user_id
last_login_time DATETIME last login time
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


Groups (Not used now)

Column Key Null Type Length Description
group_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
name VARCHAR 255
owner_id FK VARCHAR 32 owner user id (mem_user.user_id)
user_data TEXT
gid INT UNSIGNED Deprecated: replace with group_id
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


Relations with group and user (Not used now)

Column Key Null Type Length Description
group_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
user_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
create_time DATETIME creation time


Subjects for ACL

Column Key Null Type Length Description
subject_id PK NN VARCHAR 32 same with user_id or group_id
type NN CHAR 1 'u'=user, 'g'=group
uid INT UNSIGNED Deprecated: replace with user_id or group_id
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


Policies for ACL

Column Key Null Type Length Description
policy_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
name VARCHAR 255 policy name
owner_id FK NN VARCHAR 32 owner user id (mem_user.user_id)
effect VARCHAR 8 'allow' or 'deny'
action TEXT json to represent actions
resource TEXT json to represent target resources
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


Relations with policy and subject

Column Key Null Type Length Description
policy_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
subject_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
create_time DATETIME creation time


Temporary key to modify password

Column Key Null Type Length Description
key_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
user_id FK VARCHAR 32
key VARCHAR 255
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


For webida's extra features


Deployed app created by webida deploy service

Column Key Null Type Length Description
app_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
key VARCHAR 255 Deprecated: replace with app_id
name NN VARCHAR 255
domain VARCHAR 255 sub domain or sub path to access to deployed app
type VARCHAR 8 'html' or 'nodejs'
process_id INT
port INT
desc TEXT description
owner_id FK VARCHAR 32 owner user id (mem_user.user_id)
source_url VARCHAR 255 url to source (e.g. git address - deployFromGit())
is_deployed TINYINT 1 0=not deployed, 1=deployed
status VARCHAR 8 'running' or 'stop'
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


Key store files that support mobile developement

Column Key Null Type Length Description
key_store_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
wfs_id FK VARCHAR 32 wfs id (fs_wfs.wfs_id)
user_id FK VARCHAR 32 owner user id (mem_user.user_id)
alias VARCHAR 255
file_name VARCHAR 255
key_password VARCHAR 255
key_store_password VARCHAR 255
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


GCM informations that supoort mobile development

Column Key Null Type Length Description
gcm_info_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
user_id FK VARCHAR 32 owner user id (mem_user.user_id)
reg_id VARCHAR 255 registration id
info VARCHAR 255
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


For oauth feature


Clients for OAuth

Column Key Null Type Length Description
client_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
name VARCHAR 255 client name
oauth_client_id VARCHAR 255 client id
oauth_client_secret VARCHAR 255 client secret (Not used)
is_system TINYINT 1 0=client, 1=system client
redirect_url VARCHAR 255 redirect url after authentication
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


Codes for OAuth's code grant authentication (Not used now)

Column Key Null Type Length Description
code_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
code VARCHAR 255 code
oauth_client_id VARCHAR 255 client id
redirect_url VARCHAR 255 redirect url
user_id FK VARCHAR 32 owner user id (mem_user.user_id)
expire_time DATETIME expiration time
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


Tokens for OAuth

Column Key Null Type Length Description
token_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
token VARCHAR 255 token string
user_id FK VARCHAR 32 owner user id (mem_user.user_id)
oauth_client_id VARCHAR 255 Deprecated: Only write, no read
validity_period INT 0=infinite, n>0=period in sec
expire_time DATETIME expration time
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


For webida's fs services


Short names for each paths to some directory

Column Key Null Type Length Description
alias_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
key NN VARCHAR 255 alias name used in url (same with alias_id)
url VARCHAR 255 acccessable url
wfs_id FK VARCHAR 32 wfs id (fs_wfs.wfs_id)
path VARCHAR 255 path to source in wfs
owner_id FK VARCHAR 32 owner user id (mem_user.user_id)
validity_period INT 0=infinite, n>0=period in sec
expire_time DATETIME expiration time
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


Temporary link for downloading (only for UIP)

Column Key Null Type Length Description
download_link_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
key VARCHAR 255
wfs_id FK VARCHAR 32 wfs id (fs_wfs.wfs_id)
path VARCHAR 255
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


File locks

Column Key Null Type Length Description
lock_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
user_id FK VARCHAR 32 user id (mem_user.user_id)
email VARCHAR 255 user email address.
wfs_id FK VARCHAR 32 wfs id (fs_wfs.wfs_id)
path VARCHAR 255 path to the lock file
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


Webida file systems information

Column Key Null Type Length Description
wfs_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
key VARCHAR 255 used by wfs root directory name (same with wfs_id)
owner_id FK VARCHAR 32 owner user id (mem_user.user_id)
create_time DATETIME creation time
update_time DATETIME last modified time


Webida file systems removed

Column Key Null Type Length Description
wfs_id PK NN VARCHAR 32
key VARCHAR 255 used by wfs root directory name (same with wfs_id)
owner_id VARCHAR 32 owner user id (mem_user.user_id) - might be removed already
delete_time DATETIME deleted time



Sequences ids for some tables

Currently, there are 3 spaces to be managed:

  • guestid: for guest id (only used when guest mode is on)
  • uid: for mem_user.uid or mem_group.gid (Deprecated)
  • projectid: project id for XFS (only created when using XFS file system)
Column Key Null Type Length Description
space PK NN VARCHAR 32 space name for detecting sequence type
current_seq INT UNSIGNED current sequence number
max_seq INT UNSIGNED max value of sequence number (default: 4294967295)
create_time DATETIME creation time
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