diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 01821195..45a81b86 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"version": "0.1.0",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"dependencies": {
+ "@types/dom-mediacapture-transform": "^0.1.5",
"codemirror": "^5.58.2",
"dat.gui": "^0.7.6",
"file-loader": "^6.2.0",
@@ -469,6 +470,19 @@
"integrity": "sha512-Dx9f9CkXJkDAxt9M05vc7DItSqsiEhWN7Rx3vgO/maltv/nX9TaMX2sd/iAMENnL1D5FivetktJEyCBLFu50CQ==",
"dev": true
+ "node_modules/@types/dom-mediacapture-transform": {
+ "version": "0.1.5",
+ "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@types/dom-mediacapture-transform/-/dom-mediacapture-transform-0.1.5.tgz",
+ "integrity": "sha512-Mgu6H5LVJPgJuAumx0xFEdZvn9whHy+J3gEJbJz5xdWrUJ8ZwZ/JTvWwYOQPkCGzGWykPN7ufQn94iil+VCWGw==",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "@types/dom-webcodecs": "*"
+ }
+ },
+ "node_modules/@types/dom-webcodecs": {
+ "version": "0.1.7",
+ "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@types/dom-webcodecs/-/dom-webcodecs-0.1.7.tgz",
+ "integrity": "sha512-1euwRyJ7rQrddOa24d5ZcoDRMp68xEIwyb7PKb3Wpc2OullUxHQ4a63WPa5V8R+KtCWISKjgS+f83HCUVhXS/w=="
+ },
"node_modules/@types/eslint": {
"version": "8.21.1",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@types/eslint/-/eslint-8.21.1.tgz",
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index f60e6423..7d5d9c27 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
"export": "next export"
"dependencies": {
+ "@types/dom-mediacapture-transform": "^0.1.5",
"codemirror": "^5.58.2",
"dat.gui": "^0.7.6",
"file-loader": "^6.2.0",
diff --git a/src/components/SampleLayout.tsx b/src/components/SampleLayout.tsx
index 419ad998..5b5d457e 100644
--- a/src/components/SampleLayout.tsx
+++ b/src/components/SampleLayout.tsx
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ const SampleLayout: React.FunctionComponent<
name: string;
description: string;
+ originTrial?: string;
filename: string;
gui?: boolean;
init: SampleInit;
@@ -155,6 +156,7 @@ const SampleLayout: React.FunctionComponent<
{`${props.name} - WebGPU Samples`}
diff --git a/src/pages/samples/[slug].tsx b/src/pages/samples/[slug].tsx
index 158fdcc6..52487ee9 100644
--- a/src/pages/samples/[slug].tsx
+++ b/src/pages/samples/[slug].tsx
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ export const pages = {
computeBoids: dynamic(() => import('../../sample/computeBoids/main')),
animometer: dynamic(() => import('../../sample/animometer/main')),
videoUploading: dynamic(() => import('../../sample/videoUploading/main')),
+ videoUploadingWebCodecs: dynamic(
+ () => import('../../sample/videoUploadingWebCodecs/main')
+ ),
imageBlur: dynamic(() => import('../../sample/imageBlur/main')),
shadowMapping: dynamic(() => import('../../sample/shadowMapping/main')),
reversedZ: dynamic(() => import('../../sample/reversedZ/main')),
diff --git a/src/sample/videoUploadingWebCodecs/main.ts b/src/sample/videoUploadingWebCodecs/main.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82746f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sample/videoUploadingWebCodecs/main.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+import { makeSample, SampleInit } from '../../components/SampleLayout';
+import fullscreenTexturedQuadWGSL from '../../shaders/fullscreenTexturedQuad.wgsl';
+import sampleExternalTextureWGSL from '../../shaders/sampleExternalTexture.frag.wgsl';
+const init: SampleInit = async ({ canvas, pageState }) => {
+ // Set video element
+ const video = document.createElement('video');
+ video.loop = true;
+ video.autoplay = true;
+ video.muted = true;
+ video.src = new URL(
+ '../../../assets/video/pano.webm',
+ import.meta.url
+ ).toString();
+ await video.play();
+ const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
+ const device = await adapter.requestDevice();
+ if (!pageState.active) return;
+ const context = canvas.getContext('webgpu') as GPUCanvasContext;
+ const devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
+ canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth * devicePixelRatio;
+ canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight * devicePixelRatio;
+ const presentationFormat = navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat();
+ context.configure({
+ device,
+ format: presentationFormat,
+ alphaMode: 'premultiplied',
+ });
+ const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
+ layout: 'auto',
+ vertex: {
+ module: device.createShaderModule({
+ code: fullscreenTexturedQuadWGSL,
+ }),
+ entryPoint: 'vert_main',
+ },
+ fragment: {
+ module: device.createShaderModule({
+ code: sampleExternalTextureWGSL,
+ }),
+ entryPoint: 'main',
+ targets: [
+ {
+ format: presentationFormat,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ primitive: {
+ topology: 'triangle-list',
+ },
+ });
+ const sampler = device.createSampler({
+ magFilter: 'linear',
+ minFilter: 'linear',
+ });
+ function getVideoFrameFromVideoElement(video) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ const videoTrack = video.captureStream().getVideoTracks()[0];
+ const trackProcessor = new MediaStreamTrackProcessor({
+ track: videoTrack,
+ });
+ const transformer = new TransformStream({
+ transform(videoFrame) {
+ videoTrack.stop();
+ resolve(videoFrame);
+ },
+ flush(controller) {
+ controller.terminate();
+ },
+ });
+ const trackGenerator = new MediaStreamTrackGenerator({
+ kind: 'video',
+ });
+ trackProcessor.readable
+ .pipeThrough(transformer)
+ .pipeTo(trackGenerator.writable);
+ });
+ }
+ async function frame() {
+ // Sample is no longer the active page.
+ if (!pageState.active) return;
+ const videoFrame = await getVideoFrameFromVideoElement(video);
+ const uniformBindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
+ layout: pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0),
+ entries: [
+ {
+ binding: 1,
+ resource: sampler,
+ },
+ {
+ binding: 2,
+ resource: device.importExternalTexture({
+ source: videoFrame as any, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ }),
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();
+ const textureView = context.getCurrentTexture().createView();
+ const renderPassDescriptor: GPURenderPassDescriptor = {
+ colorAttachments: [
+ {
+ view: textureView,
+ clearValue: { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 },
+ loadOp: 'clear',
+ storeOp: 'store',
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDescriptor);
+ passEncoder.setPipeline(pipeline);
+ passEncoder.setBindGroup(0, uniformBindGroup);
+ passEncoder.draw(6, 1, 0, 0);
+ passEncoder.end();
+ device.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()]);
+ if ('requestVideoFrameCallback' in video) {
+ video.requestVideoFrameCallback(frame);
+ } else {
+ requestAnimationFrame(frame);
+ }
+ }
+ if ('requestVideoFrameCallback' in video) {
+ video.requestVideoFrameCallback(frame);
+ } else {
+ requestAnimationFrame(frame);
+ }
+const VideoUploadingWebCodecs: () => JSX.Element = () =>
+ makeSample({
+ name: 'Video Uploading with WebCodecs (Experimental)',
+ description: `This example shows how to upload a WebCodecs VideoFrame to WebGPU.
+ Support for using a VideoFrame as the source for a GPUExternalTexture requires
+ running Chrome with the "WebGPU Developer Features" flag or the WebGPU WebCodecs
+ integration origin trial.
+ See https://developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/view_trial/1705738358866575361
+ `,
+ originTrial:
+ 'Auo9JMDbdn/Jg1pd8liB9Ofp1OLzi9mecxjBBfjv/3f8O8775CXgcTobX4t6KYxMC1wnO4Z7MWArPSptGtkD2woAAABZeyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL3dlYmdwdS5naXRodWIuaW86NDQzIiwiZmVhdHVyZSI6IldlYkdQVVdlYkNvZGVjcyIsImV4cGlyeSI6MTcwMTk5MzU5OX0=',
+ init,
+ sources: [
+ {
+ name: __filename.substring(__dirname.length + 1),
+ contents: __SOURCE__,
+ },
+ {
+ name: '../../shaders/fullscreenTexturedQuad.wgsl',
+ contents: fullscreenTexturedQuadWGSL,
+ editable: true,
+ },
+ {
+ name: '../../shaders/sampleExternalTexture.wgsl',
+ contents: sampleExternalTextureWGSL,
+ editable: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ filename: __filename,
+ });
+export default VideoUploadingWebCodecs;