diff --git a/IEXSharp/Model/CoreData/StockFundamentals/Response/ReportedFinancialResponse.cs b/IEXSharp/Model/CoreData/StockFundamentals/Response/ReportedFinancialResponse.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ca3ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IEXSharp/Model/CoreData/StockFundamentals/Response/ReportedFinancialResponse.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+namespace IEXSharp.Model.CoreData.StockFundamentals.Response
+ public class ReportedFinancialResponse
+ {
+ public string id { get; set; }
+ public string source { get; set; }
+ public string key { get; set; }
+ public string subkey { get; set; }
+ public long date { get; set; }
+ public long updated { get; set; }
+ public long DecreaseInUnrecognizedTaxBenefitsIsReasonablyPossible { get; set; }
+ public long? formFiscalYear { get; set; }
+ public string version { get; set; }
+ public long periodStart { get; set; }
+ public long periodEnd { get; set; }
+ public long dateFiled { get; set; }
+ public long? formFiscalQuarter { get; set; }
+ public string reportLink { get; set; }
+ public long OtherAccruedLiabilitiesCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long OtherAssetsCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredFederalStateAndLocalTaxExpenseBenefit { get; set; }
+ public long OtherAssetsNoncurrent { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredForeignIncomeTaxExpenseBenefit { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredIncomeTaxAssetsNet { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredIncomeTaxesAndTaxCredits { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredIncomeTaxExpenseBenefit { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredIncomeTaxLiabilities { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredIncomeTaxLiabilitiesNet { get; set; }
+ public long OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentNetOfTax { get; set; }
+ public long OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesTax { get; set; }
+ public long OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossCashFlowHedgeGainLossAfterReclassificationAndTax { get; set; }
+ public long OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossCashFlowHedgeGainLossAfterReclassificationTax { get; set; }
+ public long OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossCashFlowHedgeGainLossBeforeReclassificationAfterTax { get; set; }
+ public long OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossCashFlowHedgeGainLossReclassificationAfterTax { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxAssetsGross { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxAssetsLiabilitiesNet { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxAssetsNet { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxAssetsOperatingLossCarryforwards { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxAssetsOther { get; set; }
+ public long OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationAdjustmentNetOfTax { get; set; }
+ public long OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax { get; set; }
+ public long OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxPortionAttributableToParent { get; set; }
+ public long OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForSaleOfSecuritiesNetOfTax { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxAssetsTaxCreditCarryforwardsOther { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxAssetsTaxDeferredExpenseCompensationAndBenefitsEmployeeBenefits { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxAssetsTaxDeferredExpenseCompensationAndBenefitsShareBasedCompensationCost { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxAssetsTaxDeferredExpenseReservesAndAccrualsOther { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxAssetsValuationAllowance { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxLiabilities { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxLiabilitiesGoodwillAndlongangibleAssetslongangibleAssets { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxLiabilitiesInvestments { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxLiabilitiesOther { get; set; }
+ public long DeferredTaxLiabilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipment { get; set; }
+ public long LossContingencyAccrualCarryingValueCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long DefinedContributionPlanCostRecognized { get; set; }
+ public long InventoryNet { get; set; }
+ public long EmployeeRelatedLiabilitiesCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long LossContingencyLossInPeriod { get; set; }
+ public long IncreaseDecreaseInIncomeTaxes { get; set; }
+ public long ForeignCurrencyCashFlowHedgeGainLossToBeReclassifiedDuringNext12Months { get; set; }
+ public long AccountsPayableCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long IncreaseDecreaseInOtherOperatingAssets { get; set; }
+ public long OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedHoldingGainLossOnSecuritiesArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax { get; set; }
+ public long EmployeeServiceShareBasedCompensationTaxBenefitFromCompensationExpense { get; set; }
+ public long ForeignCurrencyTransactionGainLossBeforeTax { get; set; }
+ public long ForeignCurrencyTransactionLossBeforeTax { get; set; }
+ public long AccountsReceivableNetCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long ContractWithCustomerLiabilityCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long ContractWithCustomerLiabilityNoncurrent { get; set; }
+ public long ContractWithCustomerLiabilityRevenueRecognized { get; set; }
+ public long Assets { get; set; }
+ public long AssetsCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long ImpairmentOfInvestments { get; set; }
+ public long IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeIncomeTaxesDomestic { get; set; }
+ public long IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeIncomeTaxesForeign { get; set; }
+ public long IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeIncomeTaxesMinoritylongerestAndIncomeLossFromEquityMethodInvestments { get; set; }
+ public long IncomeTaxesPaidNet { get; set; }
+ public long IncomeTaxesReceivable { get; set; }
+ public long IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit { get; set; }
+ public long CommercialPaper { get; set; }
+ public long CommitmentsAndContingencies { get; set; }
+ public long MarketableSecuritiesCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long CommonStockCapitalSharesReservedForFutureIssuance { get; set; }
+ public long MarketingAndAdvertisingExpense { get; set; }
+ public double PreferredStockParOrStatedValuePerShare { get; set; }
+ public long PreferredStockSharesAuthorized { get; set; }
+ public long PreferredStockSharesIssued { get; set; }
+ public long PreferredStockSharesOutstanding { get; set; }
+ public long DerivativeAssetFairValueGrossLiability { get; set; }
+ public long DerivativeAssetFairValueOffsetAgainstCollateralNetOfNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangementPolicyElection { get; set; }
+ public long AssetsNoncurrent { get; set; }
+ public double CommonStockParOrStatedValuePerShare { get; set; }
+ public long CommonStockSharesAuthorized { get; set; }
+ public long CommonStockSharesIssued { get; set; }
+ public long CommonStockSharesOutstanding { get; set; }
+ public long CommonStocksIncludingAdditionalPaidInCapital { get; set; }
+ public long AccruedIncomeTaxesCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long AccruedIncomeTaxesNoncurrent { get; set; }
+ public long AccruedLiabilitiesCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long IncreaseDecreaseInAccountsPayable { get; set; }
+ public long IncreaseDecreaseInAccountsReceivable { get; set; }
+ public long IncreaseDecreaseInAccruedLiabilities { get; set; }
+ public long ConvertiblePreferredStockNonredeemableOrRedeemableIssuerOptionValue { get; set; }
+ public long LongTermDebt { get; set; }
+ public long LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligations { get; set; }
+ public long ComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTax { get; set; }
+ public long LongTermDebtFairValue { get; set; }
+ public long LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalAfterYearFive { get; set; }
+ public long LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInNextTwelveMonths { get; set; }
+ public long NetCashProvidedByUsedInFinancingActivities { get; set; }
+ public long NetCashProvidedByUsedInInvestingActivities { get; set; }
+ public long NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivities { get; set; }
+ public long DerivativeAssetNotOffsetPolicyElectionDeduction { get; set; }
+ public long DerivativeAssets { get; set; }
+ public long EntityPublicFloat { get; set; }
+ public long NetIncomeLoss { get; set; }
+ public long IncreaseDecreaseInCollateralHeldUnderSecuritiesLending { get; set; }
+ public long IncreaseDecreaseInContractWithCustomerLiability { get; set; }
+ public long DerivativeCollateralObligationToReturnCash { get; set; }
+ public long DerivativeCollateralObligationToReturnSecurities { get; set; }
+ public long DerivativeCollateralRightToReclaimCash { get; set; }
+ public long DerivativeCollateralRightToReclaimSecurities { get; set; }
+ public long AccumulatedDepreciationDepletionAndAmortizationPropertyPlantAndEquipment { get; set; }
+ public long PaymentsForRepurchaseOfCommonStock { get; set; }
+ public long LeaseAndRentalExpense { get; set; }
+ public long LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearFive { get; set; }
+ public long LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearFour { get; set; }
+ public long LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearThree { get; set; }
+ public long LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearTwo { get; set; }
+ public long LongTermDebtNoncurrent { get; set; }
+ public long DerivativeFairValueOfDerivativeAsset { get; set; }
+ public long DerivativeFairValueOfDerivativeLiability { get; set; }
+ public long AvailableForSaleDebtSecuritiesAccumulatedGrossUnrealizedGainBeforeTax { get; set; }
+ public long AvailableForSaleDebtSecuritiesAccumulatedGrossUnrealizedLossBeforeTax { get; set; }
+ public long AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax { get; set; }
+ public long ProceedsFromCollectionOfNotesReceivable { get; set; }
+ public long ProceedsFromDebtNetOfIssuanceCosts { get; set; }
+ public long longangibleAssetsNetExcludingGoodwill { get; set; }
+ public long UnrecognizedTaxBenefits { get; set; }
+ public long UnrecognizedTaxBenefitsDecreasesResultingFromPriorPeriodTaxPositions { get; set; }
+ public long UnrecognizedTaxBenefitsDecreasesResultingFromSettlementsWithTaxingAuthorities { get; set; }
+ public long UnrecognizedTaxBenefitsIncomeTaxPenaltiesAndlongerestAccrued { get; set; }
+ public long UnrecognizedTaxBenefitsIncreasesResultingFromCurrentPeriodTaxPositions { get; set; }
+ public long UnrecognizedTaxBenefitsIncreasesResultingFromPriorPeriodTaxPositions { get; set; }
+ public long AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesAfterFiveThroughTenYearsFairValue { get; set; }
+ public long AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesAfterOneThroughFiveYearsFairValue { get; set; }
+ public long AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesAfterTenYearsFairValue { get; set; }
+ public long EquityMethodInvestments { get; set; }
+ public long CapitalLeasedAssetsGross { get; set; }
+ public long CapitalLeaseObligationsNoncurrent { get; set; }
+ public long ProceedsFromMinorityShareholders { get; set; }
+ public long ProceedsFromPaymentsForSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResell { get; set; }
+ public long DerivativeLiabilities { get; set; }
+ public long DerivativeLiabilityFairValueGrossAsset { get; set; }
+ public long DerivativeLiabilityFairValueOffsetAgainstCollateralNetOfNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangementPolicyElection { get; set; }
+ public long DerivativeLiabilityNotOffsetPolicyElectionDeduction { get; set; }
+ public long EquitySecuritiesFvNiGainLoss { get; set; }
+ public long EquitySecuritiesFvNiRealizedGainLoss { get; set; }
+ public long EquitySecuritiesFvNiUnrealizedGainLoss { get; set; }
+ public long AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesWithinOneYearFairValue { get; set; }
+ public long AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtSecurities { get; set; }
+ public long ProceedsFromSaleAndMaturityOfMarketableSecurities { get; set; }
+ public long ProceedsFromSaleAndMaturityOfOtherInvestments { get; set; }
+ public long PaymentsToAcquireMarketableSecurities { get; set; }
+ public long PaymentsToAcquireOtherInvestments { get; set; }
+ public long PaymentsToAcquirePropertyPlantAndEquipment { get; set; }
+ public long EquitySecuritiesWithoutReadilyDeterminableFairValueAmount { get; set; }
+ public long EquitySecuritiesWithoutReadilyDeterminableFairValueDownwardPriceAdjustmentAnnualAmount { get; set; }
+ public long EquitySecuritiesWithoutReadilyDeterminableFairValueDownwardPriceAdjustmentCumulativeAmount { get; set; }
+ public long EquitySecuritiesWithoutReadilyDeterminableFairValueUpwardPriceAdjustmentAnnualAmount { get; set; }
+ public long EquitySecuritiesWithoutReadilyDeterminableFairValueUpwardPriceAdjustmentCumulativeAmount { get; set; }
+ public long CashAndCashEquivalentsAtCarryingValue { get; set; }
+ public long CashAndCashEquivalentsFairValueDisclosure { get; set; }
+ public long CashAndCashEquivalentsPeriodIncreaseDecrease { get; set; }
+ public long CashCashEquivalentsAndShortTermInvestments { get; set; }
+ public long PurchaseObligation { get; set; }
+ public long AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalSharebasedCompensationRequisiteServicePeriodRecognitionValue { get; set; }
+ public long NoncontrollinglongerestIncreaseFromSaleOfParentEquitylongerest { get; set; }
+ public long Liabilities { get; set; }
+ public long LiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity { get; set; }
+ public long LiabilitiesCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long ProceedsFromSaleOfPropertyPlantAndEquipment { get; set; }
+ public long longerestCostsCapitalized { get; set; }
+ public long longerestExpense { get; set; }
+ public long GeneralAndAdministrativeExpense { get; set; }
+ public long PropertyPlantAndEquipmentGross { get; set; }
+ public long PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNet { get; set; }
+ public long AllocatedShareBasedCompensationExpense { get; set; }
+ public long CostMethodInvestments { get; set; }
+ public long CostMethodInvestmentsFairValueDisclosure { get; set; }
+ public long longerestIncomeOther { get; set; }
+ public long longerestPaidNet { get; set; }
+ public long SellingAndMarketingExpense { get; set; }
+ public long Goodwill { get; set; }
+ public long GoodwillAcquiredDuringPeriod { get; set; }
+ public long AllowanceForDoubtfulAccountsReceivableCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long NonoperatingIncomeExpense { get; set; }
+ public long StockholdersEquity { get; set; }
+ public long GoodwillImpairmentLoss { get; set; }
+ public long GoodwillTransfers { get; set; }
+ public long GoodwillTranslationAndPurchaseAccountingAdjustments { get; set; }
+ public long FiniteLivedlongangibleAssetsAccumulatedAmortization { get; set; }
+ public long FiniteLivedlongangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseAfterYearFive { get; set; }
+ public long FiniteLivedlongangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseNextTwelveMonths { get; set; }
+ public long FiniteLivedlongangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearFive { get; set; }
+ public long FiniteLivedlongangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearFour { get; set; }
+ public long FiniteLivedlongangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearThree { get; set; }
+ public long FiniteLivedlongangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearTwo { get; set; }
+ public long FiniteLivedlongangibleAssetsGross { get; set; }
+ public long FiniteLivedlongangibleAssetsNet { get; set; }
+ public double EarningsPerShareBasic { get; set; }
+ public double EarningsPerShareDiluted { get; set; }
+ public long RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax { get; set; }
+ public long OciBeforeReclassificationsNetOfTaxAttributableToParent { get; set; }
+ public double EffectiveIncomeTaxRateContinuingOperations { get; set; }
+ public double EffectiveIncomeTaxRateReconciliationAtFederalStatutoryIncomeTaxRate { get; set; }
+ public double EffectiveIncomeTaxRateReconciliationChangeInDeferredTaxAssetsValuationAllowance { get; set; }
+ public double EffectiveIncomeTaxRateReconciliationChangeInEnactedTaxRate { get; set; }
+ public double EffectiveIncomeTaxRateReconciliationForeignIncomeTaxRateDifferential { get; set; }
+ public long CostOfRevenue { get; set; }
+ public double EffectiveIncomeTaxRateReconciliationNondeductibleExpenseShareBasedCompensationCost { get; set; }
+ public double EffectiveIncomeTaxRateReconciliationOtherAdjustments { get; set; }
+ public double EffectiveIncomeTaxRateReconciliationTaxCreditsResearch { get; set; }
+ public long RetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficit { get; set; }
+ public long CostsAndExpenses { get; set; }
+ public long RepaymentsOfDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligations { get; set; }
+ public long EffectOfExchangeRateOnCashAndCashEquivalents { get; set; }
+ public long CumulativeEffectOfNewAccountingPrincipleInPeriodOfAdoption { get; set; }
+ public long CurrentFederalStateAndLocalTaxExpenseBenefit { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingIncomeLoss { get; set; }
+ public long UnrecognizedTaxBenefitsThatWouldImpactEffectiveTaxRate { get; set; }
+ public long StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueNewIssues { get; set; }
+ public long StockRepurchasedAndRetiredDuringPeriodValue { get; set; }
+ public long CurrentForeignTaxExpenseBenefit { get; set; }
+ public long CurrentIncomeTaxExpenseBenefit { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDue { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInFiveYears { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInFourYears { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDuelonghreeYears { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDuelongwoYears { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueThereafter { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivable { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableCurrent { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableInFiveYears { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableInFourYears { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivablelonghreeYears { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivablelongwoYears { get; set; }
+ public long OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableThereafter { get; set; }
+ public long DebtAndEquitySecuritiesGainLoss { get; set; }
+ public long VariablelongerestEntityConsolidatedAssetsPledged { get; set; }
+ public long VariablelongerestEntityConsolidatedLiabilitiesNoRecourse { get; set; }
+ public long ResearchAndDevelopmentExpense { get; set; }
+ public long DebtInstrumentUnamortizedDiscount { get; set; }
+ public long DebtSecuritiesAvailableForSaleRealizedLoss { get; set; }
+ public long DebtSecuritiesAvailableForSaleUnrealizedLossPosition { get; set; }
+ public long DebtSecuritiesAvailableForSaleUnrealizedLossPositionAccumulatedLoss { get; set; }
+ public long DebtSecuritiesAvailableForSaleContinuousUnrealizedLossPositionLessThan12MonthsAccumulatedLoss { get; set; }
+ public long DebtSecuritiesAvailableForSaleContinuousUnrealizedLossPositionLessThan12Months { get; set; }
+ public long DebtSecuritiesAvailableForSaleContinuousUnrealizedLossPosition12MonthsOrLongerAccumulatedLoss { get; set; }
+ public long DebtSecuritiesAvailableForSaleContinuousUnrealizedLossPosition12MonthsOrLonger { get; set; }
+ public long DebtSecuritiesAvailableForSaleRealizedGain { get; set; }
+ public long DebtSecuritiesRealizedGainLoss { get; set; }
+ public long ShareBasedCompensation { get; set; }
+ public long TaxCreditCarryforwardAmount { get; set; }
+ public long OtherLiabilitiesNoncurrent { get; set; }
+ public long OtherLongTermInvestments { get; set; }
+ public long OtherNoncashIncomeExpense { get; set; }
+ public long OtherNonoperatingIncomeExpense { get; set; }
+ public long ReclassificationFromAociCurrentPeriodNetOfTaxAttributableToParent { get; set; }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IEXSharp/Model/Shared/Request/Filing.cs b/IEXSharp/Model/Shared/Request/Filing.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47da0d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IEXSharp/Model/Shared/Request/Filing.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+using System.ComponentModel;
+namespace IEXSharp.Model.Shared.Request
+ public enum Filing
+ {
+ [Description("10-K")]
+ Annual,
+ [Description("10-Q")]
+ Quarterly
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IEXSharp/Model/Shared/Request/TimeSeries.cs b/IEXSharp/Model/Shared/Request/TimeSeries.cs
index c1777e0..29d1f71 100644
--- a/IEXSharp/Model/Shared/Request/TimeSeries.cs
+++ b/IEXSharp/Model/Shared/Request/TimeSeries.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using System;
-using Common.Logging.Configuration;
using IEXSharp.Helper;
namespace IEXSharp.Model.Shared.Request
@@ -36,22 +35,32 @@ public TimeSeries SetDateRange(DateTime? from, DateTime? to = default)
return this;
- public NameValueCollection TimeSeriesQueryParams()
+ public TimeSeries SetLast(int last)
- var nvc = new NameValueCollection();
+ Last = last;
+ return this;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Updates give query string builder class with required Time series query params
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void AddTimeSeriesQueryParams(QueryStringBuilder qsb)
+ {
+ if (qsb == null) return;
if (From != null)
- nvc.Add("from", From);
- nvc.Add("to", To);
+ qsb.Add("from", From);
+ qsb.Add("to", To);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Range) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(From))
- nvc.Add("range", Range);
+ qsb.Add("range", Range);
- return nvc;
+ if (Last > 0) qsb.Add("last", Last.ToString());
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IEXSharp/Model/Shared/Response/Financial.cs b/IEXSharp/Model/Shared/Response/Financial.cs
index 9ea0389..1559e9b 100644
--- a/IEXSharp/Model/Shared/Response/Financial.cs
+++ b/IEXSharp/Model/Shared/Response/Financial.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-using System;
+using System;
namespace IEXSharp.Model.Shared.Response
diff --git a/IEXSharp/Service/Cloud/CoreData/StockFundamentals/IStockFundamentalsService.cs b/IEXSharp/Service/Cloud/CoreData/StockFundamentals/IStockFundamentalsService.cs
index aedc79f..65a64b7 100644
--- a/IEXSharp/Service/Cloud/CoreData/StockFundamentals/IStockFundamentalsService.cs
+++ b/IEXSharp/Service/Cloud/CoreData/StockFundamentals/IStockFundamentalsService.cs
@@ -101,6 +101,16 @@ public interface IStockFundamentalsService
Task> FinancialAsync(string symbol, int last = 1);
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// As reported financials are pulled directly from the raw SEC filings. Returns raw financial data reported in 10-K and 10-Q filings
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ Task>> ReportedFinancialsAsync(string symbol, Filing filing = Filing.Quarterly, TimeSeries timeSeries = null);
/// Financial Firms report financials in a different format than our 3rd party processes therefore our data is limited
diff --git a/IEXSharp/Service/Cloud/CoreData/StockFundamentals/StockFundamentalsService.cs b/IEXSharp/Service/Cloud/CoreData/StockFundamentals/StockFundamentalsService.cs
index ab5dc4e..023b5b4 100644
--- a/IEXSharp/Service/Cloud/CoreData/StockFundamentals/StockFundamentalsService.cs
+++ b/IEXSharp/Service/Cloud/CoreData/StockFundamentals/StockFundamentalsService.cs
@@ -24,14 +24,7 @@ public async Task>> Advanc
var qsb = new QueryStringBuilder();
- if (timeSeries != null)
- {
- var queryParams = timeSeries.TimeSeriesQueryParams();
- foreach (var nameValue in queryParams)
- {
- qsb.Add(nameValue.Key, nameValue.Value);
- }
- }
+ timeSeries?.AddTimeSeriesQueryParams(qsb);
var pathNvc = new NameValueCollection
@@ -119,6 +112,23 @@ public async Task> EarningFieldAsync(string symbol, string f
public async Task> FinancialAsync(string symbol, int last = 1) =>
await executor.SymbolLastExecuteAsync("stock/[symbol]/financials/[last]", symbol, last);
+ public async Task>> ReportedFinancialsAsync(string symbol, Filing filing = Filing.Quarterly, TimeSeries timeSeries = null)
+ {
+ const string urlPattern = "time-series/reported_financials/[symbol]/[filing]";
+ var qsb = new QueryStringBuilder();
+ timeSeries?.AddTimeSeriesQueryParams(qsb);
+ var pathNvc = new NameValueCollection
+ {
+ {"symbol", symbol},
+ {"filing", filing.GetDescriptionFromEnum()}
+ };
+ return await executor.ExecuteAsync>(urlPattern, pathNvc, qsb);
+ }
public async Task> FinancialFieldAsync(string symbol, string field, int last = 1) =>
await executor.SymbolLastFieldExecuteAsync("stock/[symbol]/financials/[last]/[field]", symbol, field, last);
diff --git a/IEXSharpTest/Cloud/CoreData/StockFundamentalsTest.cs b/IEXSharpTest/Cloud/CoreData/StockFundamentalsTest.cs
index 84e126c..440bca9 100644
--- a/IEXSharpTest/Cloud/CoreData/StockFundamentalsTest.cs
+++ b/IEXSharpTest/Cloud/CoreData/StockFundamentalsTest.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using IEXSharp;
@@ -161,6 +162,30 @@ public async Task FinancialAsyncTest(string symbol, int last)
Assert.GreaterOrEqual(response.Data.financials.Count, 1);
+ public static List ReportedFinancialsTestCaseSourceData()
+ {
+ return new List{
+ new TestCaseData("AAPL", Filing.Quarterly, null),
+ new TestCaseData("AAPL", Filing.Quarterly, new TimeSeries(TimeSeriesPeriod.Quarterly).SetLast(2)),
+ new TestCaseData("AAPL", Filing.Quarterly, new TimeSeries(TimeSeriesPeriod.Annual).SetLast(2)),
+ new TestCaseData("AAPL", Filing.Quarterly, new TimeSeries(TimeSeriesPeriod.Quarterly).SetDateRange(new DateTime(2019,1,1), new DateTime(2021,1,1)))
+ };
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [TestCaseSource("ReportedFinancialsTestCaseSourceData")]
+ public async Task ReportedFinancialsTest(string symbol, Filing filing, TimeSeries timeSeries = null)
+ {
+ var response = await sandBoxClient.StockFundamentals.ReportedFinancialsAsync(symbol, filing, timeSeries);
+ Assert.IsNull(response.ErrorMessage);
+ foreach (var data in response.Data)
+ {
+ Assert.IsNotNull(data);
+ Assert.IsNotNull(data.AccountsPayableCurrent);
+ }
+ }
[TestCase("AAPL", "grossProfit", 1)]
[TestCase("FB", "grossProfit", 2)]