Test value passed against a list of valid options and fail if value is not present on list.
function shouldBeOneOf(options: string[]): (value: string) => boolean;
PASS test/shouldBeOneOf.test.ts
Validators > shouldBeOneOf
✓ returns a function (2ms)
the validator
when valid input is passed
✓ returns true (1ms)
✓ don't call console.error
when invalid input is passed
✓ validation fails (1ms)
✓ calls console.error with a friendly message (1ms)
export default {
props: {
myProp: {
type: String,
required: true,
validator: shouldBeOneOf([
'these', 'properties',
Then the value passed to myProp can be either 'these' or 'properties'. Anything else will be invalid and will console will trow:
The value received was `invalid-value`, but one of these were expected:
- these
- properties