A simple script for simulating raindrops falling on a glass surface.
For demos and more information see the project page.
var engine = new RainyDay({
element: 'background', // ID of image element or an element itself
// If the element is not an Image the background-image property will be used
// If not provided document.body will be used
parentElement: someDiv, // Element to be used as a parent for the canvas
// If not provided assuming the 'body' element
crop: [ 0, 0, 50, 60], // Coordinates if only a part of the image should be used
// If not provided entire image will be used
blur: 10, // Defines blur due to rain effect
// Assuming 10 if not provided
// Use 0 value to disable the blur
opacity: 1, // Opacity of rain drops
// Assuming 1 if not provided
fps: 30 // Frame rate per second
// This value is required
engine.rain([ [3, 3, 0.88], [5, 5, 0.9], [6, 2, 1] ], 100);