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Deploy Microservices

Deploy customer

Make sure you are logged in

oc whoami
kubectl config current-context

and you have setup the project/namespace

oc new-project tutorial
kubectl create namespace tutorial
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=tutorial

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default -n tutorial

Then clone the git repository

git clone
cd istio-tutorial

Start deploying the microservice projects, starting with customer

Make sure istioctl is in your PATH:

$ istioctl version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"1.1.1", GitRevision:"2b1331886076df103179e3da5dc9077fed59c989", User:"root", Host:"7077232d-4c6c-11e9-813c-0a580a2c0506", GolangVersion:"go1.10.4", DockerHub:"", BuildStatus:"Clean", GitTag:"1.1.0-17-g2b13318"}

Customer build using Docker daemon

Your very first Docker build will take a bit of time as it downloads all the layers. Subsequent rebuilds of the Docker image, updating only the microservice layer will be very fast.
cd customer/java/quarkus
mvn clean package -DskipTests
docker build -t example/customer .
docker images | grep customer

Now let’s deploy the customer pod with its sidecar

oc apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f ../../kubernetes/Deployment.yml) -n tutorial
oc create -f ../../kubernetes/Service.yml -n tutorial


kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f ../../kubernetes/Deployment.yml) -n tutorial
kubectl create -f ../../kubernetes/Service.yml -n tutorial

Expose customer

Since the customer service is the one our users will interact with, let’s add an OpenShift Route that exposes that endpoint.

oc expose service customer -n tutorial

oc get route -n tutorial
oc get pods -w -n tutorial


kubectl get route -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}'
kubectl get pods -w
If your pod fails with ImagePullBackOff, it’s possible that your current terminal isn’t using the proper Docker Environment. See Setup environment.

Wait until the status is Running and there are 2/2 pods in the Ready column. To exit, press Ctrl+C

Then test the customer endpoint

curl customer-tutorial.$(minishift ip)

You should see the following error because the services preference and recommendation are not yet deployed.

customer => UnknownHostException: preference

Also review the logs

stern $(kubectl get pods|grep customer|awk '{ print $1 }'|head -1) -c customer
stern "customer-\w" -c customer

You should see a stacktrace containing this cause:

customer-6fc99b7bfd-5st28 customer Caused by: preference

Back to the main istio-tutorial directory

cd ../../..

Deploy preference

Preference build using Docker daemon

cd preference/java/quarkus
mvn clean package -DskipTests
docker build -t example/preference:v1 .
docker images | grep preference

oc apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f ../../kubernetes/Deployment.yml) -n tutorial
oc create -f ../../kubernetes/Service.yml


kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f ../../kubernetes/Deployment.yml) -n tutorial
kubectl create -f ../../kubernetes/Service.yml

Wait preference to be deployed

oc get pods -w -n tutorial
kubectl get pods -w

Wait until the status is Running and there are 2/2 pods in the Ready column. To exit, press Ctrl+C

curl customer-tutorial.$(minishift ip)

It will respond with an error since the service recommendation is not yet deployed.

We could make this a bit more resilient in a future iteration of this tutorial
customer => Error: 503 - preference => UnknownHostException: recommendation

and check out the logs

stern $(kubectl get pods|grep preference|awk '{ print $1 }'|head -1) -c preference
stern "preference-\w" -c preference

You should see a stacktrace containing this cause:

preference-v1-898764bdb-hz7s6 preference Caused by: recommendation

Back to the main istio-tutorial directory

cd ../../..

Deploy recommendation

The tag v1 at the end of the image name matters. We will be creating a v2 version of recommendation later in this tutorial. Having both a v1 and v2 version of the recommendation code will allow us to exercise some interesting aspects of Istio’s capabilities.

Recommendation build using Docker daemon

cd recommendation/java/quarkus
mvn clean package -DskipTests
docker build -t example/recommendation:v1 .
docker images | grep recommendation

oc apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f ../../kubernetes/Deployment.yml) -n tutorial
oc create -f ../../kubernetes/Service.yml -n tutorial
oc get pods -w


kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f ../../kubernetes/Deployment.yml) -n tutorial
kubectl create -f ../../kubernetes/Service.yml
kubectl get pods -w

Wait recommendation to be deployed

Wait until the status is Running and there are 2/2 pods in the Ready column. To exit, press Ctrl+C

curl customer-tutorial.$(minishift ip)

it should now return

customer => preference => recommendation v1 from '99634814-sf4cl': 1

and you can monitor the recommendation logs with

stern $(kubectl get pods|grep recommendation-v1|awk '{ print $1 }'|head -1) -c recommendation
stern "recommendation-v1-\w" -c recommendation-v1

Back to the main istio-tutorial directory

cd ../../..

Updating Redeploying Code

When you wish to change code (e.g. editing the .java files) and wish to "redeploy", simply:

cd {servicename}/java/{quarkus|springboot|vertx}

vi src/main/java/com/redhat/developer/demos/{servicename}/{Servicename}{Controller|Verticle}.java

Make your changes, save it and then:

mvn clean package
docker build -t example/{servicename}:v1 .

oc get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' -l app={servicename}
oc get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' -l app={servicename},version=v1
oc delete pod -l app={servicename},version=v1


kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' -l app={servicename}
kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' -l app={servicename},version=v1
kubectl delete pod -l app={servicename},version=v1

Why the delete pod?

Based on the Deployment configuration, Kubernetes/OpenShift will recreate the pod, based on the new docker image as it attempts to keep the desired replicas available

oc describe deployment {servicename} | grep Replicas
kubectl describe deployment {servicename} | grep Replicas