In AMath 483/583 there are many ways you can receive help from the instructor, TAs, and other students in the course. Students are encouraged to help others using the below resources.
- Online Office Hours: times when the instructor and TAs answer questions in the chatroom and issues pages
- Monday: 4pm-5pm PST (Chris)
- Tuesday: 12pm-1pm PST (Chris)
- Wednesday: 11am-12pm PST (Sean), 6pm-7pm PST (Meghana)
- Thursday: 12pm-1pm PST (Chris), 6pm-7pm PST (Sean)
- Friday: 11am-12pm PST (Meghana)
- note that there are no office hours on Monday when the homework is due
- Gitter Chatroom ![Gitter]( Chat.svg)
- Issues pages in homework repositories
- Example: Issues Page from example-python-homework
- Example: Example issue from example-python-homework
- In-class
For the benefit of fellow students, the instructor, and teaching assistants please follow these general rules when posting on the message board.
- questions about lectures and homework.
- ...respond to fellow student questions.
- ...ask questions about related material extending beyond the scope of the course.
- respectful of student inquiries and responses.
- ...ask specific questions and be descriptive.
- ...directly post any answers to the homework.
- ...discuss any exam questions until after the exam.
- disrespectful online.
In addition, all questions posted on an Issues Page must follow the formatting described in How to Ask a Good Question below.
Please refrain from asking questions along the lines of "My code doesn't compile! Please help!" Doing so will decrease the chance that the instructor, TAs, or even fellow students will help. Instead, try to be as specific as possible. Use the suggestions outlined in Stack Overflow How to Ask for tips on asking good questions.
Sometimes, it is difficult or impossible to reformulate your programming problem in such a way that it doesn't reveal a solution, partial or complete, to the class. If your question cannot be reformulated in such a way you can always create an issue in your private repository. These issues are inaccessible to the other students in the course so anything you say within the "private issue" can make use of the specifics of your code implementation.
When creating an issue, be sure to "@-mention" the instructors and TAs by typing
@uwhpsc-2016/instructors @uwhpsc-2016/tas
(... rest of the issue text ...)
into the issue creation text box just in case we do not receive notification that your issue has been created. Again, make sure this issue is created in the repository titled homeworkn-yourgithubusername
, not in homeworkn
It is preferrable that you have pushed your code to your private GitHub repository so the instructor and teaching assistants can view your results thus far and better comment on your solution approach.