v0.4.0 (2021-05-25)
Fixed bugs:
'No data available' statements not showing #353
Closed issues:
Home and Bill Page - Change background color #394
Overview section and Committees and Sponsors section buttons should be positioned at the bottom of the sections #393
Cosponsors table 'This Congress' tab shows the full list of cosponsors #381
Normalize section total score for display #379
Metadata conversion not completed for some bills #378
Cosponsors table shows a single sponsor of bills in both House and Senate #375
Add bill number (e.g. 116hr200) as a column in the CSV table for the CRS #364
Run CRS update + CSV as a nightly Celery task #363
For title matching, remove leading text of the form '117 HR 447 IH: ' #359
Add 'incorporated by' and 'incorporates' to relatedness criteria #355
Rename Context tabs #350
Develop About Us Page #348
Access to
times out (we have ~6000 records) #346 -
Review main and ensure enhancements have been added #344
Update docs and link to navigation bar #336
Issue with the logic of "Sponsors of Related Measures" #326
Add column to indicate whether a cosponsor is no longer in Congress #322
Get cosponsors of related bills (update) #319
Create Celery task to update cosponsors and committees #298
Put examples of search formats below the search bar & changes to reflect wireframe #272
Scoring document similarity #267
Monthly View on Calendar should start on Monday #257
Add Text that explains that there is not a document available for Understand the Context Section #249
When the user is on a bill page, the Bill tab in the nav should be highlighted #245
Document the SAP scrapers for Trump and Biden #230
Understand the Context UI Fix #181
Future improvements for 'similar bills' #178
Add "Currently in Congress" column to the "Sponsors of Related Measures" section #108
UI update for "Overview" section on the bill page #102
Bill title should be left aligned with all the boxes #100
Add "Compare" text button under the "Compare Bill Text" column. #89
Change search UI on Home Page #83
The list of related bills in the top left panel does not always match the table of related bills #64
On the Bills page, change the order of tabs in the "Understand the Context" section #63
Collect cboCostEstimates from data.json for each bill #53
Document the
table and how it relates to govtrack tables #50 -
Sources for 'in Focus' information #1
Merged pull requests:
v0.3.1 (2021-05-01)
Implemented enhancements:
Create Celery task to update CBO data #213
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
v0.3.0 (2021-04-27)
Implemented enhancements:
Move all scrapy scripts out of the top level of the
directory #210
Fixed bugs:
Problem getting number for congress with some bills #329
CBO report: handle error with 'pubDate' #184
Skip adding text when there is no summary (adding cosponsors) #55
Apparent problem indexing 116hr5150 #43
Handle cosponsor names like 'Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.' which currently becomes 'Jr. Sanford D. Bishop' #24
Closed issues:
Search using just the bill number will populate results but the links route the user to a "page not found" page #327
Develop a download csv/xls file feature for the "Sponsors of related measures" table data #324
Remove Committee Id from both Cosponsors tables #323
Change 'On Assigned Committee' to 'Current Assigned Committee' #321
Add 'leadership' information to Cosponsor download #316
Remove 'Read Bill:' text #313
Short title missing in bill data #309
Set the order of cosponsors for the Committees and Cosponsors box #306
Propagate Cosponsor table to the
in the detail.html view #305 -
Handle 'H.Con.Res.' in title correctly #304
Capture committee information when processing data.json for bills #300
Related Bills in Overview section - include only related bills from the current congress and change display #290
Apply ordinal in bill display filter #289
Press statement Put Pagination in a fixed position #283
Press statements: Add Pagination navigation menu #281
Press Statements: Change architecture and show results instantly using direct API calls #280
Press Statements #275
Read Bill button #274
Include short title (or truncated short title) in typeahead search list #273
Search bar input format #271
The congress filter should be on the same line as the search bar and include arrow #270
Create scraper to update legislator information #268
Create a Celery task to update the (Biden) SAP scraper daily #264
Committee and member information available from Propublica API #263
Add Committee and Party information to Sponsors #259
Provide consistent bill number display, e.g. H. R. 1500 (116) #254
Organize Celery tasks #248
Make Sponsor table more compatible with Govtrack #228
Remove the 'Sponsor' model from bill.models #227
Refactor CBO scraper to allow dynamic updates #212
Create Celery task for Committee Documents #205
Scrape the current Biden Statements of administration policy #203
Statements and CBO: Consider using many-to-many relation to bills #185
UI Sprint 1 _ Bill Page "Folder" Containers #166
UI Sprint 1 _ Bills Related to #164
UI Sprint 1 _ Committees and Sponsors Section #163
UI Sprint 1 _ Overview Section #161
Change Overview Section UI #155
Bill selection: Allow user to hit return to select the currently typed value #123
Bill summary should be a small description instead of a "read bill" button #101
Add "Export" button on right side for "Sponsors of Related Measures" and " Bills Related to" sections to download a .csv file #90
Link to Committee transcript data for bill (no need to scrape) #54
Develop API calls for Press statements #35
Merged pull requests:
Bump django from 3.1.6 to 3.1.8 #294 (dependabot[bot])
Bump django from 3.1.6 to 3.1.8 in /server_py #293 (dependabot[bot])
Bump urllib3 from 1.26.3 to 1.26.4 in /server_py #288 (dependabot[bot])
v0.2.1 (2021-03-30)
Implemented enhancements:
Combine tabs for Related and Similar Bills #243
Combine 'Related bills' with 'Similar bills' tables. Display the relevant columns for each #223
Combine scrapy
#211 -
Create a tab called 'Sections' in the Analyze Bills section that shows a section-by-section table #154
Integrate logic from this repo as a PR for govtrack #25
Fixed bugs:
Fix 'Number of sections matched': deduplicate #124
Closed issues:
Separate out the search bars #253
Populate Committees and Sponsors table with live data #252
Show 'No data available' if and only if there’s no data #250
Bill summary: truncate and style #236
Change Biden SAP Scraper frequency to scrape daily #226
Got an error running load_biden_statements #225
Change the display formatting of the bills to "H.R. XXX" #221
Add Bill Map icon in the navigation #220
Change the title on homepage to "Bill Map" and add description #219
Change default font to Public Sans #218
Add tabs to the "Bills Related to ___" section #217
Have the "View full list of sponsors" button scroll down the page to "Sponsors of Related Measure" #216
Remove "Read Bill:" from Overview section #215
Add actual bill summary instead of hard-coded text #214
Modify Committee documents scraper #204
Re-apply the related bills and analyze similar bills tabs from
#197 -
Add congress and remove text of link in Statements tab #196
Re-apply the CBO tab data to detail.html #194
Re-apply the CRS reports UI to detail.html in
#193 -
Display committee documents on the bill corresponding to
#192 -
Committee report has wrong 'billnumber' #191
Develop the Relevant Committee Documents section - Database, Back-end and UI development #180
Scrape data for Relevant Committee Documents section #179
CRS report: remove empty links #177
CRS reports: do not create a bill number if it does not exist-- just remove it from the list #174
Error loading SOA data — field too short #168
Handle elasticsearch crashing on server #167
UI Sprint 1 _ Sponsors Section Heading Change #165
UI Sprint 1 _ Ad Space #162
Deduplicate es_similarity by section #158
Back-end and UI development for CBO Score Section #156
Make CRS-to-bill associations using the metadata summary #148
Change title of sponsor section from "Sponsor" to "Sponsors of Related Measures" #146
On FT_branch_1, for SAP, normalize date format and/or deduplicate data #138
Create Statement of Administrative Policy section on Bills page - UI Changes #132
Search bar should have filter for Congress session (ex: 116th, 115th, 114th etc.) #111
Calculate the length of matched sections for the bill-to-bill page #104
Understand the Context - Place tabs in correct order #103
Add a block for ads between section and related bills section #99
Change section title to Bills Related to [Bill Number] #92
Show which 'similar' bills are also in the 'related' bills table #86
Add tabs for Analyze Related Bills section #84
Add version number to app, show in top right #76
Compare results from 'related bills' to 'similar bills' #70
Not all related bills are being added to the database #56
Scrape data for CBO report and relate to bill #52
Add scraper for CRS reports #51
Add section number to section header in similar bills display table, where available #41
Build scraper for Statements of Administrative Policy, connect to bill #34
Missing some related bills files #30
Interesting example: 115hr5164 #20
Mark titles with an indicator of whether they are for the whole bill or just a portion #17
Merged pull requests:
Bump pyyaml from 5.3.1 to 5.4 in /server_py #262 (dependabot[bot])
Bump lxml from 4.6.2 to 4.6.3 in /scrapers #242 (dependabot[bot])
Bump lxml from 4.6.2 to 4.6.3 #241 (dependabot[bot])
Bump urllib3 from 1.26.2 to 1.26.3 in /server_py #234 (dependabot[bot])
Bump django from 3.1 to 3.1.6 #233 (dependabot[bot])
v0.2.0 (2021-02-05)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
In the
function, find the latest version of a bill to process #144 -
Update the elastic_load task to delete a bill (including version number) before indexing #140
Error for 116hr1 on FT_branch_1: 'permanent_pdf_link' attribute has no file associated with it #137
Increase default bill similarity query results to 20 #134
Create tables on Database from Trump Administration’s Data #133
Scrape Statement of Administrative Policies of Trump Administration #131
Problem running migrations #121
Advanced Search should fit the size of the entire width of the search bar on the top #117
Allow user to select bill with a number less than 4 digits #115
Prepare deployment of application (with cron job to scrape and process bills) #113
In bill page, similarity table, sort by top score #107
Filter out duplicate section matches in bill-to-bill #106
Show the number of matched sections on the bill-to-bill page #105
Understand the Context - Statement of Administration Policy (SOA) #97
Change sponsors section title to "Sponsors of Related Measures" #95
Create a bill scraper and update mechanism to deploy and update similar bills #87
Add a bill-to-bill detail page #85
Scrape Trump Statement of Administration Policy before change in administration #82
For the 'Analyze Bills' table, list the total number of sections in the bill at the top #75
Default order 'Analyze similar bills' by score #71
Add columns to bill similarity table: bill title, number of sections matched, best match score, best match sections #69
Long content in tables should be viewable on hover (alt text?) #66
Tables should allow resizing of columns #65
The weekly calendar should begin on Monday instead of Sunday #59
Measure bill similarity using the ES sections index #58
Error running python manage.py migrate #49
Error running python manage.py bill_data #48
Use model data to display in the
view, for the related bills and sponsors tables #47 -
Save related bills information (from scripts/relatedBills.py) to the database #46
Create model for related bills #45
Create a 'bill' model #44
Merged pull requests:
bill version added to elastic search and bill similarity #149 (aih)
Bump lxml from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 in /server_py #129 (dependabot[bot])
Bump lxml from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 #128 (dependabot[bot])
Add columns to bill similarity table: bill title, number of sections … #74 (aih)
v0.1.1-billdata (2020-11-03)
Implemented enhancements:
Add num to header in similar bills list, where available #42
Link bill number in tables #40
Create a json file for each bill that lists metadata including related bills #23
Display sponsors of related bills #21
Add shared sponsors to relatedBills #14
In relatedBills, add items for relationships identified in related_bills of data.json #12
Add titles that differ by year in a
field #9 -
Create enriched relatedBills JSON #7
Fixed bugs:
Error when missing sponsor state or district #26
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
Calculate a data file of related files for each bill #22 (aih)
Create a related bills json with same and similar title bills #9 and #10 #11 (aih)
This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator