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May 22-26, 2023 @ Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris
online: livestream
This conference is part of the thematic trimester 'Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics'.
- Yuri Berest (Cornell)
- Alexander Berglund (Stockholm)
- Benoit Dhérin (Google)
- Domenico Fiorenza (La Sapienza, Rome)
- Julien Grivaux (IMJ-PRG)
- Mikhail Kapranov (Kavli IPMU, Tokyo)
- Ralph Kaufmann (Purdue)
- Bernhard Keller (Université Paris Cité)
- Muriel Livernet (Université Paris Cité)
- Shawn Majid (Queen Mary, London)
- Martin Markl (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
- Wendy Lowen (Antwerp) *
- Pavel Mnev (Notre Dame) *
- Adrian Ocneanu (Penn State)
- Leonid Positselski (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
- Olivier Schiffmann (Paris Saclay)
- Christoph Schweigert (Hamburg)
- Kirsten Wickelgren (Duke)
- Thomas Willwacher (ETH Zürich)
- Alberto Cattaneo (Zürich)
- Madeleine Jotz (Würzburg)
- Hsuan-Yi Liao (National Tsing Hua, Taiwan)
- Michele Schiavina (Pavia)
- Mathieu Stiénon (Penn State)
- Ping Xu (Penn State)
To register, please fill in the registration form.
Financial support is available for a limited number of early career participants. To apply, please answer affirmatively the relevant question in the registration form and email your CV to [email protected] with “GAP2023 — SUPPORT — YOUR FULL NAME” as subject. In your CV, please list the names of two references whom we may contact about your application. The deadline for support applications is January 15, 2023.
MON | 09:30 | registration |
10:00 | welcome coffee | |
10:30 | Bernhard Keller | |
11:30 | Domenico Fiorenza | |
12:30 | lunch break | |
14:15 | Leonid Positselski | |
15:15 | Dominique Mouhanna | |
15:30 | coffee break | |
16:00 | Wendy Lowen | |
17:00 | poster session | |
18:00 | reception | |
TUE | 09:00 | Martin Markl |
10:00 | coffee break | |
10:30 | Julien Grivaux | |
11:30 | Shahn Majid | |
12:30 | lunch break | |
14:00 | Kirsten Wickelgren | |
15:00 | coffee break | |
15:30 | Adrian Ocneanu | |
16:30 | ||
WED | 09:00 | Benoit Dhérin |
10:00 | coffee break | |
10:30 | Olivier Schiffmann | |
11:30 | Thomas Willwacher | |
12:30 | ||
THU | 09:00 | Muriel Livernet |
10:00 | coffee break | |
10:30 | Alexander Berglund | |
11:30 | Christoph Schweigert | |
12:30 | lunch break | |
14:00 | Mikhail Kapranov | |
15:00 | coffee break | |
15:30 | Pavel Mnev | |
16:30 | ||
FRI | 09:00 | Ralph Kaufmann |
10:00 | coffee break | |
10:30 | Yuri Berest | |
11:30 |
Welcome Address
Apéritif de bienvenue
Refreshments will be provided.
Higher structures in automorphisms of manifolds
In previous work, Ib Madsen and I discovered some remarkable higher structure, governed by Kontsevich's Lie graph complex, in the rational cohomology of automorphism groups of certain high dimensional manifolds, specifically the "generalized surfaces"
Spaces of quasi-invariants and homotopy Lie groups
Quasi-invariants are natural geometric generalizations of invariant polynomials of finite reflection groups. They first appeared in mathematical physics in the early 1990s, and since then have found applications in many other areas: most notably, representation theory, algebraic geometry and combinatorics. In this talk, I will explain how the algebras of quasi-invariants can be realized topologically as (equivariant) cohomology rings of certain spaces naturally attached to compact connected Lie groups. Our main result is a generalization of a well-known theorem of A. Borel that realizes the algebra of invariant polynomials of a Weyl group W as the cohomology ring of the classifying space BG of the corresponding Lie group G. Replacing equivariant cohomology with equivariant K-theory (resp., elliptic cohomology) gives multiplicative (resp., elliptic) analogues of quasi-invariants. But perhaps most interesting is the fact that the spaces of quasi-invariants can be also defined for non-Coxeter (p-adic) pseudo-reflection groups, in which case the compact Lie groups are replaced by p-compact groups -- remarkable homotopy-theoretic objects a.k.a. homotopy Lie groups. Time permitting, I will also discuss some applications in the context of stable homotopy theory. (Based on joint work with A. C. Ramadoss.)
Symplectic microgeometry and quantization
In this talk, we will introduce introduce the notion of symplectic micromorphisms. First, we will explain how various natural examples such as flows and symmetries in classical mechanics or Poisson structures in geometry can be expressed as special symplectic micromorphisms. Second, we will describe how Fourier integral operators can be used to quantize symplectic micromorphisms yielding quantum counterparts of these structures. (The ideas in this talk are based on works in collaboration with Alan Weinstein, Alberto Cattaneo, Igor Mencattini, and Friedrich Wagemann.)
Higher operations from algebra and geometry
Higher operations appear in the context of up to homotopy equations. For instance the pre-Lie product is a homotopy for the commutator.
Such higher operations are often associated with a graphical or geometric calculus. In new work with Rivera and Wang, we find a natural Poisson double bracket as such a homotopy, which is a member of a series of even higher brackets. Interestingly the odd brackets vanish in a directed setting, but can be defined in an undirected setting. The double bracket yields a homotopy for a four term relation involving a product, a coproduct and their opposites. It dualizes to an
Categorification of Euler's continuants, N-spherical functors and periodic semi-orthogonal decompositions
Euler continuants are universal polynomials expressing the numerator and denominator of a finite continued fraction whose entries are independent variable. Remarkably, they allow categorical lifts which are certain complexes constructed out of a functor and its iterated adjoints. The totalizations of these complexes can be seen as higher analogs of spherical twists and cotwists and lead to a generalization of spherical functors which we call N-spherical. They describe periodic semi-orthogonal decompositions (SODs) of triangulated (or, rather stable infinity-) categories. In fact, forming iterated mutations of an SOD can be seen as a categorical lift of forming a continued fraction. Joint work with T. Dyckerhoff, V. Schechtman.
String bordism invariants in dimension 3 from
The third string bordism group is known to be
Algebraic structures attached to a closed embedding
This talk will be devoted to some geometrical constructions attached to a closed embedding of complex manifolds. A concrete way to measure the complexity of such an embedding is to understand how geometric objects, like vector bundles or coherent sheaves, can extend (at least formally). This deformation problem is controlled at the first order by a cohomology class that can be made explicit. Later on, Arinkin and Caldararu provided a link between these constructions and the theory of derived intersections. In this talk, we will present a second order condition, called moderation, that allows to provide an explicit description of the Ext algebra attached to a closed embedding. This is joint work with Damien Calaque.
Singularity categories, Leavitt path algebras and Hochschild homology
The singularity category of a noetherian (non commutative) algebra is the quotient of its bounded by its perfect derived category. This construction goes back to Buchweitz (1986) in this setting and, independently, to Orlov (2003) in a geometric setting. We will recall the description of the singularity category of a radical-square zero quiver algebra using a graded Leavitt path algebra following work of Paul Smith, Xiao-Wu Chen, Dong Yang and others. We will then combine this with a localization theorem for Hochschild homology to obtain a simple description of the Hochschild homology of these singularity categories (with their canonical differential graded enhancement) and of the corresponding Leavitt path algebras. Finally, we will report on recent work of Xiao-Wu Chen and Zhengfang Wang which yields a generalization from radical-square zero to arbitrary finite-dimensional algebras (over an algebraically closed field). This is mainly a survey talk. The original parts are based on joint work with Umamaheswaran Arunachalam and Yu Wang.
Homotopy theory of spectral sequences
Spectral sequences arise as algebraic tools in many areas of mathematics. Of particular interest are spectral sequences of filtered complexes and multicomplexes. Questions addressed during the talk: how to compare spectral sequences? Can we invert some class of weak equivalences, as e.g. morphisms realizing an isomorphism from a given page and afterwards? This is a long project with S. Whitehouse and I will explain some model category structures relying on these weak equivalences, for filtered complexes, multicomplexes and show that for spectral sequences we have a weaker notion of model category structure.
Higher structures and deformations of non-commutative spaces
In deformation theory, higher structure naturally occurs on two different levels. Firstly, it occurs on the complexes governing deformations: according to Deligne's principle, these should at least be DG Lie or
Secondly, higher structure can occur when modeling deformed objects: these may be more complicated than the original objects in case the deformation complex encodes additional structure.
Taking Gerstenhaber's deformation theory of algebras, governed by the Hochschild complex, as the starting point, we will discuss the occurrence of higher structure when deforming schemes into "non-commutative spaces". We will look into two algebraic models for spaces: DG categories and prestacks. For the latter, we will present an operadic structure on the Gerstenhaber--Schack complex recently established in joint work with Hoang Dinh Van and Lander Hermans. This yields an underlying
Braided bimodules, quantum jet bundles and quantum geodesics
We show how solutions of the Yang-Baxter or braid relations on bimodules over a possibly noncommutative algebra arise naturally in the context of bimodule connections in noncommutative geometry. As an application, we show how such connections can be used to define a notion of quantum jet bundle in work with F. Simao. We also show in work with E. Beggs how the same idea applied to A-B bimodule connections lead to a notion of quantum geodesics on A with parameter space algebra B and are already present for A the Heisenberg algebra in quantum mechanics.
Operads and the blob complex (joint work with M. Batanin)
I will show that the Morrison-Walker blob complex appearing in Topological Quantum Field Theory is an operadic bar resolution of a certain operad composed of fields and local relations. My talk will be based on the draft "Operads, operadic categories and the blob complex" available here.
On the Fukaya-Morse A-infinity category
I will explain the construction of the Fukaya-Morse category of a Riemannian manifold
Representation Theory as Curvature and QFT
We show that matrix representations and their intertwiners are naturally described in terms of Gaussian and Riemannian curvature. The computation of intertwiner coefficients and the decomposition of Young tableaux or Gelfand Tsetlyn patterns, as tensor product of forms are done by QFT type propagation formulae. That brings together matter, with inner symmetry described by representation theory, and gravity, as discretized curvature. We describe a stronger analog of the Weyl character formula, which has a similar form, but generates all the representation vectors, rather than only their weights.
The homomorphism removal and repackaging construction
This work is an attempt to understand the maximal natural
generality context for the Koenig-Kuelshammer-Ovsienko construction
in the theory of quasi-hereditary algebras by putting it into
a category-theoretic context. Given a field
Cohomological Hall algebras associated to curves in surfaces
We will discuss some ongoing project with Diaconescu, Porta, Sala and Vasserot in which we study the convolution algebra of cohomological correspondences acting on moduli spaces of sheaves on surfaces via modifications along 1-dim subschemes. We obtain some relation to affine Yangians.
String-net methods for CFT correlators
Based on a graphical calculus for pivotal bicategories, we develop a string-net construction of a modular functor. We show that a rigid separable Frobenius functor between strictly pivotal bicategories induces a linear map between the corresponding bicategorical string-net spaces that is compatible with the mapping class group actions and with sewing. This result implies that correlators of two-dimensional conformal field theories factorize over string-net spaces constructed from defect data.
A quadratically enriched zeta function
For a smooth variety over a finite field, we enrich the logarithmic derivative of the zeta function to a power series with coefficients in the Grothendieck--Witt group of stable isomorphism classes of unimodular modular forms, using traces of powers of Frobenius in A1-homotopy theory. (It is not a motivic measure applied to Professor Kapranov's.) In analogy with the celebrated connection between the Betti numbers of associated complex manifolds, we show the quadratically enriched logarithmic zeta function to be connected to the Betti numbers of the associated real manifolds. We show a Lefshetz fixed point theorem for cellular varieties with a recent cohomology theory of F. Morel and A. Sawant, proving a rationality result for cellular varieties. This is joint work with Margaret Bilu, Wei Ho, Padma Srinivasan, and Isabel Vogt. arXiv:2210.03035
Graph complexes and moduli spaces of curves
I discuss graph complexes that compute the weight 2 and weight 11 part of the compactly supported cohomology of the moduli spaces of curves. They give rise to many new classes in that cohomology and establish links to knot theory, where similar graph complexes occur.
The talk is based on recent joint work with Sam Payne.