The aim of testsuite module is to provide unit and integration tests for Resteasy. All newly added tests go into this module. The integration tests run with specified Wildfly server.
- arquillian-utils - contains helper classes used often in tests like - help methods for creating the deployment, categories for tests, server setup task etc.
- integration-tests - contains tests to run in container (Wildfly)
- integration-tests-spring - tests for resteasy integration with spring
- unit-tests - standalone tests not running in container
Run default tests (excluding the ones expected to fail) with the default container (it is automatically downloaded):
mvn clean verify
Run default tests (excluding the ones expected to fail) with path to the container specified:
mvn clean verify -Dserver.home=PATH_TO_WIDLFLY_HOME
By default all tests annotated with @Category({ ExpectedFailing.class })
are excluded.
To run the testsuite with failing tests included for testing purposes:
mvn clean verify -Dserver.home=PATH_TO_WIDLFLY_HOME -Denable.expected.failing -fn
mvn clean verify -Dserver.home=PATH_TO_WIDLFLY_HOME -Dtest=NAME_OF_THE_TEST_CLASS -fn
Resteasy version for unit-tests and for client side of integration tests can be specified with -Dversion.resteasy.testsuite=RESTEASY_VERSION
mvn clean verify -Dserver.home=PATH_TO_WIDLFLY_HOME -Dversion.resteasy.testsuite=RESTEASY_VERSION
Use ipv6
property and specify IP address for EAP binding for IPv6 testing. Example:
mvn clean verify -Dserver.home=PATH_TO_WIDLFLY_HOME -Dnode=2620:52:0:2804:56ee:75ff:fe1d:44c3 -Dipv6
Test logs are stored in /MODULE_NAME/target/surefire-reports/TEST_NAME-output.txt
To redirect to standard output (console) use -Dmaven.test.redirectTestOutputToFile=false
mvn clean verify -Dserver.home=PATH_TO_WIDLFLY_HOME -Dmaven.test.redirectTestOutputToFile=false
With each new test write appropriate javadoc documentation.
We keep test documentation for test cases (test classes) as follows:
* @tpChapter Main chapter name (see chapter structure below)
* @tpSubChapter Sub-chapter name (see chapter structure below)
* @tpTestCaseDetails Description of the test class, id of JIRA issue if applicable
* @tpSince RESTEasy 3.x.x (in which version of resteasy was this test added) [optional]
The test methods itself are annotated as follows:
* @tpTestDetails Description of what the test does
* @tpSince RESTEasy 3.x.x (in which version of resteasy was this test added) [optional]
Following is the list of chapters and corresponding subchapters for javadoc test documentation:
Unit tests
- Crypto
- Injection tests
- Interception tests
- Jose tests
- Media type
- Providers
- Requests
- Resource tests
- Resteasy-client
- Util tests
Client tests
- Configuration
- Resteasy-client
Integration tests
- Asynchronous RESTEasy
- Atom provider
- Constructors
- Core
- Crypto
- DataSource provider
- Encoding
- Exceptions
- Form tests
- IIOImage provider
- Injection
- Interceptors
- Jackson2 provider
- Jackson provider
- Jaxb provider
- Jettison provider
- Jsapi
- Json-p provider
- Localization
- Multipart provider
- Parameters
- Plain provider
- Providers
- Resources
- Response
- Security
- Util tests
- Validator provider
- Writers
- Yaml provider